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deljr 06-30-2015 03:56 AM

stuck on server setup problem
I decided to do the server setup thing for fun and giggles. thought maybe I'd have some fun similar to the enjoyment I got from learning to build Doom maps back in the day.

Anyhow, everything was going ok, altho tbh, I had no clue what I was doing. Then I got to this one particular spot in the directions.

Step 5: Fetching EQEmu specific data files - maps and quests

c) copying quest plugins

1.Go to the C:\EQ\EQEmuServer\quests\plugins folder and copy all the files in there to the C:\EQ\EQEmuServer\plugins folder.

Here is my problem: I go to C:\EQ\EQEmuServer\quests and there is no plugins folder under quests.

Also, checking ahead to step 2,

2.Copy the C:\EQ\EQEmuServer\quests\lua_modules folder to the C:\EQ\EQEmuServer\ folder.​

There is no lua_modules folder, as well

So I'm stopped in my tracks. If there is no plugins folder under quests nor a lua_modules folder under quests, I cant copy the contents to the destiny folder in the directions.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Noport 06-30-2015 05:37 AM

Server Setup Guide:


link for peq db:

Github Repository:

deljr 06-30-2015 07:40 AM

Thank you for replying and for those links, but how does that answer my question or help with my problem?

I am using the setup guide. I got the needed DL from github. I haven't gotten to the point of the guide yet to DL the peq files.

Like I said, following the guide, everything had gone to plan until the point I explained above. Where are the two missing folders the guide says are supposed to be there, but are not? That is what I need help with. Those two folders were not individual DLs. I wouldn't have had success following the guide, up to that point, if I had missed the DL those folders were a part of.

Thanks again for the reply but I need something a bit more specific.

vsab 06-30-2015 08:07 AM

They are part of the quest folder download detailed on step 5 a). Looking at the repository online, these folders exist.

To do it manually without using Subversion to get the latest version, you can download quests_2015-02-13-07-59.tar.gz from https://drive.google.com/folderview?...p=sharing#list and use something like 7-zip to unzip then untar it. This will give you a folder called "quests", which definitely does have the lua_modules and plugins folders in it.

deljr 06-30-2015 01:26 PM

vsab, Thank you for the help and link, however, it doesn't work. I typed in the link you gave me and I also tried the copy/paste method. Always brings up a web page telling me webpage cannot be found. (sigh)

As an observation, in the link you gave me, are those three ... supposed to be there? I don't normally see dots like that in a url. Just wondering. Just looking for anything that might be out of sorts. Thanks again for your help

Uleat 06-30-2015 01:43 PM

Did you try to just click the link in his post?

I had no trouble getting there.

Shendare 06-30-2015 01:44 PM

Yeah, the boards abbreviated the displayed link, but the actual click-link is valid. You can right-click the link and Copy Link, or simply click the link to open the page in a new tab.

deljr 07-01-2015 12:19 PM


it's funny that the link never highlighted as a link when I was doing the copy/paste thing. However, after you guys pointed it out, lo and behold, I "discover" it's actually a live link. Just another embarrassing punch in the face. :(

Anyway, continued roadblocks and problems just trying to follow what appears to be a concise and easy guide, has left me with way more frustration than the entire project is worth. I quit in disgust and deleted everything related to setting up a server.

Normally, it would be unbelievable that a simple guide could go so wrong, but since my life has been, "what can go wrong, will go wrong", then its really no surprise at all.

Thanks to all who offered help and advice, it was appreciated.

I return to playing my favorite eqemu's :)

Noport 07-02-2015 12:00 AM

download install easy setup

Maze_EQ 07-02-2015 04:07 PM

Omg noport didnt post opcodes.

deljr 07-03-2015 04:14 PM

Just to post the continuing mis-adventures of my eq life, I decided to go against my better judgment and download and install the EQEmu Akka's PEQ Server Repack for Windows, from the link posted above.

It did not go well.

Yet another simple guideline and directions to follow, it was almost self installing. Hey, look. It installed. Ok, reboot and we are off to the races.

Oops, I can't get Iexplorer to work. WTF! Without access to the internet, I have no way of looking up possible existing suggestions or help. I can't even dl another browser to use because, like you know, I can't access the internet. Just fn great.

So I go into my "F this bs" attitude and decide to uninstall Akka's program. Wait! A new surprise. It won't let me uninstall because some mystery program is using some part of Akka's program. What complete BS!

So I spend hours and hours going thru every single folder and deleting every stinkin' file, one by one. Until I'm down to maybe a dozen files that won't delete. Just great. :(

I continually try to uninstall thru my control panel, when after numerous tries, it finally uninstalls. Why now and not the first try?

Good bye and good riddance Akka's PEQ Server Repack. In my opinion, any program that behaves like that one did upon installation, is a bad program. I had zero problems installing and playing numerous eqemu servers and had fun in them all, so don't tell me it's my computer. And I don't give a flying F#@k what success anyone else has had. All I know is, I got F#@ked royally. Enough said.

I am done with this eq server crap. Gone is my thoughts of having fun along those paths.

It's one thing to be intelligent, which I am, lol, and quite another to be educated in the required fields to handle the bumps and hiccups that will inevitably happen along the way. I also certainly don't possess the character to handle frustration well. Better that I just enjoy playing others eqemu's and let it go at that.

The sad part is, I never got the chance to play with Akka's PEQ server. I was so pissed off at having my internet borked, I was in no mood to play with the server part. Oh well.

Amazing, how once again, anything that can go wrong, does go wrong. The Fn motto of my life.

Oh, just in case anyone cares, as soon as Akka's program was finally gone, my Iexplorer worked like a charm. Go figure.

Cheers to everyone out there and I sincerely hope your eq endeavours turn out better than mine.

Akkadius 07-03-2015 05:30 PM

First and foremost, it's plastered right on the page:


I give no warranty for the use of this repack, and you use at your own risk. However you should not find yourself having issues with the approved machines listed above. By downloading, you recognize that these components are all open source and already downloaded within the repack.
Most people don't have an issue with the repack, some people here and there run into issues with the installer, and if you're one of them I apologize but its not an 'easy' fix to just recompile the server repack to try and fix something that I was not able to reproduce myself in testing in 3-4 different operating systems.

If you truly want to not affect your main machine, install a virtual machine and keep it jailed within that environment.

And, quite frankly, the alternative to the repack is actually doing everything from scratch, which for some people can take a week to figure out depending on how knowledgable and how well they are to deal with running into roadblocks and issues.

I'm sorry you had issues with the repack, but I don't make a repack to make peoples lives harder.

deljr 07-03-2015 08:10 PM

@Akka - wow, didn't mean to strike a nerve, and why is the first line of defense always the old, "use at your own risk" fallback? When it's advertised as a great layman's tool?

I was just venting my frustration, as a non-computer type guy and your repack basically designed for such, I'd think you'd recognize frustration when you see it.

In hindsight I should not have made the "bad program" comment. My bad and I apologize. Other than that, the rest of my post was valid, just commenting on my failure to have yet another program work for me. That's all.

TBH, I wish I had some geek friends to invite over to the house to help. I know damn well I'd pick up on this stuff way faster than mucking around on my own. Since I don't, my loss I guess.

I understand many many people have had success with the repack. Unfortunately, I was not one of them. If it had been possible, I would've asked for help on the forums, but since getting on the internet wasn't an option due to Iexplorer getting borked, I stressed out and tried to delete/uninstall. That in itself brought me more headache I didn't know how to correct.

Truly, I am impressed with all you do for the community and my guess is the repack is a great tool. I'm just sorry it didn't work out for me.

Like I said, I'm sorry for the comment.

EDIT: forgot to mention, my laptop runs windows 7 and the install worked great, almost self installed, as mentioned. It's just the Iexplorer got messed up. Also, I've seen it mentioned before, but what is a virtual machine? I know my computer is real so is a virtual a make believe one? lol jk honestly, I don't know.

kimura 07-03-2015 09:41 PM

Internet Explorer? oh noes.... :)

Noport 07-04-2015 01:53 PM

Virtual Machine


example: I have windows7 installed now i would like to run linux
installed on top of winblows

Do daily backups on vm too another hard drive data recovery bites.

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