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-   -   Client hangs after Server select (Minilogin) (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=34709)

Kayot 01-11-2012 01:45 AM

Client hangs after Server select (Minilogin)
I've recently decided to setup a Minilogin server. I hit a few snags but I think I have it working fine now. The problem is the Client side. It hangs after server select and drops back to the title screen after a few minutes.

I'm using the Underfoot Client which works fine on PEQ. I've also tried the SoD client. My server is the latest build with bots enables, the PEQ database with bots, and MySQL 5. Perl is I'm doing this in Windows 7 Ultimate on all Machines.

I've changed the opcodes.conf for usage with the Underfoot client.

#EQEmu Public Login Server OPCodes

I've noticed that it says I have 0 of 0 expansions enables as well on the server select. I'm guessing this is related.

I've considered using the public login servers, but I'd really like to keep this in LAN.

Another question, what is EQEmuLoginServer? I tried to run it but it complains of a missing DLL.

Also, off topic - Has anyone ever tried turning an Xbox 1 into an EQ server?







                        <?xml version="1.0">
                                        <longname>The Open World</longname>
                                <!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to. -->
                                <!-- Loginserver information.  -->
                                        <!-- Sets the shared key used by zone/launcher to connect to world -->
                                        <key>some long random string</key>
                                        <!-- Enable and set the port for the HTTP service. -->
                                        <http port="9080" enabled="true" mimefile="mime.types" />
                                <!-- Database configuration, replaces db.ini. -->



lerxst2112 01-11-2012 02:43 AM

I run EQEmuLoginServer for my local server. I compiled it myself, you can just add the project to your existing solution. Since you didn't say which dll was missing I can't really help with that.

Kayot 01-11-2012 10:44 AM

The missing file is LIBMYSQL.dll

cavedude 01-11-2012 11:43 AM

You have to add MySQL to your system path. Or, you can cheat and copy LIBMYSQL.dll from your MySQL directory to the directory where your login resides. I know that method works on Linux when using WINE.


Also, off topic - Has anyone ever tried turning an Xbox 1 into an EQ server?
Not going to happen unfortunately. Microsoft claims the Xbox1 CPU is a custom Pentium III, but in reality the word custom should be replaced with alien. Many instructions have been added, removed, and changed in that CPU that it's argued that you really can't even consider it i386 anymore. That's why hardware emulation really doesn't exist for the Xbox. But, even if you do change the Emu code to work on the Xbox's CPU the console only has 64MB RAM, you wouldn't be able to run a single zone.

Kayot 01-11-2012 02:00 PM

Is there a guide for setting EQEmuLoginServer up?

I don't see anything on the Wiki and I'm not sure where to look in the forums.

Edit: I got it working, but the client still hangs after server select. Then dumps the client back to the login screen.

Edit 2: I'm able to log in with the host system, but none of the clients. Still working on it.

Kayot 01-11-2012 04:26 PM

(Won't let me edit post above anymore)

I don't know why, but when I log in with my localhost machine it logs in fine. Other systems can't log in. Firewalls are all disabled. The EQemu Login Server sees the attempt to login, but won't pass it to World. Any idea's?


host = localhost
port = 3306
db = peq
user = root
password = 8z4trfbf84rl
subsystem = MySQL

unregistered_allowed = TRUE
reject_duplicate_servers = FALSE
trace = TRUE
world_trace = FALSE
dump_packets_in = FALSE
dump_packets_out = FALSE
listen_port = 5999
local_network = 192.168.1.

plugin = EQEmuAuthCrypto
mode = 5

port = 5998
opcodes = login_opcodes.conf

port = 5999
opcodes = login_opcodes_sod.conf

account_table = tblLoginServerAccounts
world_registration_table = tblWorldServerRegistration
world_admin_registration_table = tblServerAdminRegistration
world_server_type_table = tblServerListType

I'm wondering if this is no longer a Minilogin issue and should I repost in a different section?

lerxst2112 01-11-2012 04:35 PM

The HP issue is because you need to set the Character:SoDClientUseSoDHPManaEnd rule to true.

Try setting the address/localaddress lines in the eqemu_config.xml file to your actual IP instead of localhost/

Kayot 01-11-2012 04:56 PM

Heh, I was comming back to say I did both those things and got it working.

Thank you ^-^, I should have checked back a bit earlier. Would have saved me the trouble.

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