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mrkcmty3 01-02-2006 02:09 AM

Boats and SHips
I'm back, and not done populating with boats and ships lol. Has anyone else done this? I haven't been on the forums for like ever.

lilmuff 01-02-2006 02:58 AM

All the servers ive played on knowone uses them,even Live dosent anymore.

image 01-02-2006 06:18 AM

When they updated DirectX in the EverQuest Client they broke object collision, you fall through boats now so it will never work.

Sarepean 01-03-2006 09:31 PM

I didn't know that. Still, that sounds like something Sony would do--- "Well, we broke it. Let's make a patch and make it seem like it was broken to begin with and that we've fixed it by breaking it. Also, nerf two random classes. It will seem more authentic like that."

Sakrateri 01-04-2006 01:44 PM

OMG , you got me laughing my ass off at that one Sarepean. :lol:

inkubus 04-23-2006 04:08 AM

I have noticed that with the Ghost ship (114) the collision is still working. Try it in oot.

inkubus 04-23-2006 04:34 AM

Plus the maiden's voyage (race 72)

ichijin 04-23-2006 07:30 AM

I rode the raft in Halas, have not yet been to the other boat locations, but the raft worked, except for a few little glitches in its pathing process.

Smedy 05-03-2006 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Sarepean
I didn't know that. Still, that sounds like something Sony would do--- "Well, we broke it. Let's make a patch and make it seem like it was broken to begin with and that we've fixed it by breaking it. Also, nerf two random classes. It will seem more authentic like that."

hahahahah, sad but very very true

hansolojim 05-07-2006 04:51 AM

I heard a rumor that boats will be back on live when that progression server opesn.

Angelox 01-30-2007 02:15 PM

Sure would be a cool thing, to be able to see that ship sail in and out of butcher again, maybe even get a ride on it :(
The ships existed back in the golden days when Everquest was a ton of fun. There was no AA's or special augs, nothing fancy - didn't need that crap anyways. It was so much fun with out all the expansions and all the other garbage SOE forced into the game.
Those were the days when GFay ment something, traveling to Butcher for a ride to Freeport on a boat was a major deal.
Risk/challenge for reward; The greater the challenge, the greater the reward. That's what SOE lost, and we (EqEmu) don't have it either. The main reason why we don't have it, is because, instead of tweaking the zones and putting good challenge and gameplay in what we have, we're too busy trying to keep up with the Live Eq madness.
By adding higher level zones, increasing the character level, high exp rates, we convert the lower zones we have into something worthless, just like SOE did.
By enabling Loot/plat drops as common as we have them now - that all becomes no-challenge, and worthlless too.
Sometimes I wonder if what we have for players on our servers now, are a group of people that are just in the game for the cheat of it. Maybe all the real players came, saw how it was, and left a long time ago.

Kayot 01-31-2007 01:24 AM

Enjoying the DB... Not the Game...
The reason I run a server isn't for the server at all. I enjoy using SQL. But I understand where every one is coming from. I joined eqlive a few months before Velious came out. I still remember riding to Kunark on those little boats. The trip to Freeport was always fun and I remember crossing the world on foot at least twenty or so times. /gems was a nice game to play when meding or on the ships. I remember my first trip to Estate of Unrest and how I felt scared that a pumpkin head could fear me into submission.

When Velious came out I was like "Why do we need that?"

Later on as more stuff got added I felt less and less useful. Luclin came out and it took me a while to get the patch. Then not a month later Sony went expansion crazy. After GoD I stopped playing. I didn't like guilds and that

cavedude 01-31-2007 01:40 AM

Getting boats working has always been a dream of mine, I would do anything to get rid of those damn translocs. I know they are what are on live, but come on boats were just cool. Who doesn't have great memories waiting for the boat, riding on them, and my favorite past time was to jump off, cast lev while i was sinking into OOT, cast sow, then do a Jesus meets the roadrunner along side of said boat ;)

Some boats still indeed work as far as collision detection is concerned. I also believe I tried this way back when but I am pretty sure changing the gender of the Freeport boat works as well. As far as anything else, I can't say if it will work. The pathing will be a pain, as will forcing zoning so that there is still a boat on the other side for all the slow booters. (prolly best to use Perl), then there is the idea that since collision detection has changed I am worried that once the boats starts to move, the toon won't move with it, and just fall into the sea.

But, I am willing to give it a go. Anybody else up for it?

solid11 01-31-2007 05:30 AM

I'm all for it.

mattmeck 01-31-2007 05:53 AM

There was a huge project going at one point to get boats working, it fizzled out when the Direct x update made it so you fall right through the boats.

Until thats fixed its all wishing.

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