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-   -   Wizard Class Nukes Broken (Probably just on my server...) (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42548)

whiteknight33 08-03-2019 04:49 PM

Wizard Class Nukes Broken (Probably just on my server...)
I did a search for this issue, and was unable to find anyone else having it. One of my players reported today that he'd made several wizards and the class was broken as a whole. So, I tested what he was claiming...

On a non-GM, regular player account, I made a wizard and exited the newbie area. I was able to cast my shielding buff as normal. However, the level 1 ice nuke when clicked grayed out like it was being cast, but there was no casting bar, and the nuke never fizzled or went off. Then the cooldown eventually reset. Rinse and repeat.

Wondering if this was an issue just with that one nuke in particular, I logged onto my GM account, made a wizard and #level 70'd and #scribespells 70 1... Then I repeated the test. Shielding buffs worked as intended. The nukes, this time, opened the casting bar but it never depleted (stayed 100% full) and the nuke went off. I tested nukes of every spell type and multiple levels. For some reason, the casting bar isn't working properly and non-GM wizards can't nuke.

Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong here? I had been hoping that just the first wizard nuke was broken, but it seems to be repeatable with all of them.

EDIT: After rebooting the server, regular players now have a cast bar that stays full and the nuke eventually goes off. Upon closer inspection, the nukes all have a 0.1 cast time, despite the spells displaying the proper cast times in the spells_new table. Any idea why this is only effecting wizard nukes and how to fix it?

Huppy 08-04-2019 02:58 AM

I just tested this out with a non-GM lvl 1 wizzy. Spells (and cast bar) were all functioning properly. Using RoF2 client.

Huppy 08-04-2019 03:14 AM

Also, did you export the spell files from server to client ? (db_string, spells_us)

whiteknight33 08-04-2019 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by Huppy (Post 263137)
Also, did you export the spell files from server to client ? (db_string, spells_us)

It's an issue that's only occurring with Wizards, spells for every other class appear to be working just fine. (Including Magicians and their nukes.)

Is there a manual step of exporting spell files that needs to be done? (Please note: I have not modified spells whatsoever from their default EQ versions.)

It's so weird because every "buff" or non-nuke spell, like the Shielding line, Damage Shield line, True North, etc.. All have the proper casting time. Every Wizard nuke is showing 0.1 for the cast time, but in spells_new in the database it has the right cast time listed.

And for what it's worth, everyone on my server also uses the RoF2 client.

Huppy 08-04-2019 05:53 AM

Not sure why your cast times are showing 0.1, maybe something is bugged in your database, or otherwise. Try these steps and see what happens.
First - Look in your server folder and see if there is two folders named Export and Import. If not, create them.
Second - In your server folder, you should see an executable file called export_client_files.exe Run that file, and it will generate 4 files, automatically placing them in the Export folder. Then copy those over to your RoF2 client. The basedata and skillcaps go into your RoF2/Resources folder (replacing old ones). The other two, spell files go in your RoF2 main folder. Just to clarify (some do not know this), those 4 files are generated from 4 tables in your database. It's meant for them to match the client data with the server data. (BaseData.txt, dbstr_us.txt, SkillCaps.txt and spells_us.txt) Assuming that a downloaded RoF2 client matches them already would not be advisable.
Then if you still have the same issues, something in your database may be bugged.

whiteknight33 08-04-2019 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Huppy (Post 263139)
Not sure why your cast times are showing 0.1, maybe something is bugged in your database, or otherwise. Try these steps and see what happens.
First - Look in your server folder and see if there is two folders named Export and Import. If not, create them.
Second - In your server folder, you should see an executable file called export_client_files.exe Run that file, and it will generate 4 files, automatically placing them in the Export folder. Then copy those over to your RoF2 client. The basedata and skillcaps go into your RoF2/Resources folder (replacing old ones). The other two, spell files go in your RoF2 main folder. Just to clarify (some do not know this), those 4 files are generated from 4 tables in your database. It's meant for them to match the client data with the server data. (BaseData.txt, dbstr_us.txt, SkillCaps.txt and spells_us.txt) Assuming that a downloaded RoF2 client matches them already would not be advisable.
Then if you still have the same issues, something in your database may be bugged.

Edit: That mostly fixed it. Thank you very much. Spell effects went away after I did that fix, but then I found another thread that said to delete all spells with an ID above 45,000 and then I repeated the instructions you gave and now everything is working 100%.

Huppy 08-04-2019 05:18 PM

Glad to hear you got it all working properly. Just keep in mind, if you ever do decide to doing any edits in that spells_new table, you would need to export to the client again.

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