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trevius 11-30-2008 11:45 PM

List of Features that are missing or need work
I am starting this to help keep track of what needs work or is currently missing from EQEmu. I will try to add/remove things from this list as they get fixed or brought to attention. If anyone has more items for this list, or thinks something can be removed, feel free to reply with the info.

Last Updated on September 22nd 2011

Major Systems that need work:

1. Shrouding and Monster Missions - Not working at all
2. Guild Tribute - Not working at all as far as I know
3. Evolving Items - Evolving items do not function yet, but some code is currently being worked on to implement them.
4. Raid Leadership AAs - Not working at all
5. Discord Merchant - Unsure on the current status of this.
6. /feedback reporting - I believe some of the code for this is already in the source, but it needs a table and probably an opcode/struct to be functional.
7. Shared Tasks - No code supporting this in the source yet, but Derision did do some work on this a while back that was not completed/committed.
8. Destructible Objects - We have the code to get these implemented, but needs to be added and finalized still.
9. Ornamentations - The hard part of implementing this will be figuring out how to handle the actual combine, since the item model is not included in the ornamentation item.

Working Systems that could use tweaking/improvement:

1. Raid System - This system now works (thanks KLS), but I think it still needs some tweaking to work out the details
2. Pet Items - Pet items only add stats for visible slots such as armor and weapons, but not for the non-visible armor slots.

Items on this list that have now been added:

1. Mail - Thanks to Derision, this is now working! He also fixed chat channels!
2. Voice Macro system introduced in OoW and the window to make chat macros for them.
3. Item Links - Thanks to AndMetal, links now work fully including any augments on the item.
4. Chat Server - Thanks to Derision, this is now fully functional and stable.
5. LDoN Adventures - Thanks to KLS, LDoN Adventures are now fully functional!
6. Facial Features - Facial Features are now fully functional including for Illusions.
7. Leadership AAs - Thanks to Derision, this is now fully functional.
8. /bug Reporting - Thanks to KLS, this is now fully functional.
9. Charm Stat Scaling - Thanks to KLS and Realityincarnate, this is now fully functional.
10. Attunable Items - This is now fully functional.
11. Healing Aggro - Thanks to KLS, healing aggro seems to work appropriately now.
12. Player Titles - Thanks to Derision, new Title commands and the Titles Window are now fully functional.
13. Augment Distillers - Augment Distillers should now function properly I believe.
14. Augmenting Items - All known crashes related to augmenting items should now be resolved.
15. Guild Bank - Thanks to Derision, Guild Bank is now fully functional.

FYI, I started a personal list like this a while back, and almost half of the original items on that list have already been added thanks to KLS, Derision and all of the other Devs and Contributors to the code. Awesome job everyone :D

janusd 12-01-2008 11:37 AM

Trev, I know Cantus and Reno spent a good deal of time working on the entirety of the agro code using some data collected from Live and a detailed analysis of various forms of agro and how they relate to distance and other modifiers. It's just that I need to keep pestering Cantus to post the code with a diff so people can get to testing.

Also, in your list of broken systems is the job system for GoD. That needs to get working properly so the GoD instances can get properly worked in, although if I remember correctly from Live, that system was pretty worthless and buggy as all get out.

What system did the DoN merchants use? I remember that whole crystals thing was yet another system.

Does the bug reporting system work? That might be nice to get in for the servers that have a lot of dev oversight.

trevius 12-01-2008 07:27 PM

Honestly, I don't know much at all about DoN as I never played it on Live. I was just going through the opcode lists and that was one of them that is listed, but doesn't work.

I added /bug and /feedback to the list. Thanks for pointing that out.

Also, thanks AndMetal for the links. I thought about putting some in, but just hadn't done it yet. Saves me some time :D

Rocker8956 12-01-2008 09:35 PM

Only thing I can think to add off the top of my head is charms.

Have a few ideas on how they could be done but all of them would be a lot of scripting or coding.

Trevius Edit: Thanks, I added Charm Stat Scaling to the list :)

Secrets 12-02-2008 03:05 PM

- Chat Server. Communicates with IRC and relays with players using the SOE global chat feature. Already built, but some Doodman is having troubles with it staying stable. :(

Trevius Edit: Added that as a feature that works, but needs some tweaks. I have read a few posts saying it worked, but I do think there are some issues with it. I have never messed with it, so I don't really know. Thanks for the addition to the list :)

janusd 12-09-2008 11:46 AM

Augments, Trev. Gotta get those working correctly.

Trevius Edit: What is wrong with Augments other than them not showing up in item links? They seem to work very well from what I have seen. I have had the occasional bug report of a zone crashing when trying to aug though. I also know that distillers don't seem to distill the augs correctly like they should, but that is probably an issue with distillers or maybe the DB itself. I will note distillers in the list.

renoofturks1 12-15-2008 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by janusd (Post 160769)
Trev, I know Cantus and Reno spent a good deal of time working on the entirety of the agro code using some data collected from Live and a detailed analysis of various forms of agro and how they relate to distance and other modifiers. It's just that I need to keep pestering Cantus to post the code with a diff so people can get to testing.

It's very much still a work in progress, we have had little time to tweak it

Secrets 01-14-2009 12:07 PM

Would like to add to the list

Voice Macro system introduced in OoW.

Window that you could make group voice commands in group chat (NOT voice activation)


I think basically everything is missing for it, but wouldn't it be cool? :p

Trevius Edit: Thanks, I got that added to the list.

Derision 01-14-2009 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Secrets (Post 162919)
Would like to add to the list

Voice Macro system introduced in OoW.

I'll look into this. I already found a field to allow you to bring up the Voice Macro window, but it needs opcode support and with no packet logs available, it should be fun! ;)

trevius 01-14-2009 06:57 PM

I may be able to help with that. I have an active EQLive account for now, so I can try running the commands and watching the SEQ logs for the opcodes that come in when I get time to check it. Then, it will just mean comparing the live ASM to Titanium ASM and see if I can find them for ya.

Derision 01-15-2009 01:51 PM

Thanks for the offer Trevius. I have the opcodes now (client->server is easy because it produces an OP_Unknown in the zone log, and I found the server->client just by doing Alt-I in IDA and searching for the hex message ID of the "Soandso voice-tells you ..." message.)

Got the structs mapped out and the voice macros working with 'hand crafted' packets. Should be ready to commit it in a day or two.

janusd 01-16-2009 11:32 AM

Should likely add both the Shroud system (and subsequent monster missions) as well as Evolving Items to the list of systems that need to be implemented.

Trevius Edit: I added these to the list, thanks!

secash 01-16-2009 02:42 PM

What is wrong with Augments.[/QUOTE]

One Example:

If you wear an item with no rec level. Then put an augment on it with a rec lvl higher than you, the scale code will scale down the stats of the entire item, not just the augment.

jenco420 01-16-2009 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by secash (Post 163011)
What is wrong with Augments.

One Example:

If you wear an item with no rec level. Then put an augment on it with a rec lvl higher than you, the scale code will scale down the stats of the entire item, not just the augment.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that's handled by the client. And it was like that on live. I always waited to put minor stat augs that had rec levels in my gear that did'nt . Because it was'nt worth the ac / hp loss

Derision 01-24-2009 12:26 PM

I'm working on the Leadership AAs. From what I've read, turning Leadership XP on takes 20% away from normal XP gain. What I can't find from Google is how fast leadership XP should go up.

Group Leadership AA points are earned at a rate of 1 per 1000 points of Group Leadership XP.

Raid Leadership AA points are earned at a rate of 1 per 2000 points of Raid Leadership XP.

Obviously I can't just take the 20% of normal XP and add it it to Leadership XP ... I need a new formula.

I was thinking something along the lines of 50/100 blue con or above kills per group/raid leadership point, with maybe a small scaling factor depending on the number of players in your group or raid above the minimum.

Anyone with first-hand knowledge of Leadership XP feel free to chip in. :)

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