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Kingly_Krab 06-07-2018 03:55 PM

Q&A Thread
Have any questions, issues, or concerns about the way Lua/Perl quests work? Feel free to ask here. In my time working with EQEmulator I've written probably 1,000,000 different scripts in dozens of different formats and languages. If you are stuck on a script or have an idea you can't put in to script form, ask here. I'll either write you a mockup, solve your issue, or give you an idea as to what you're doing incorrectly.

TL;DR: I'm bored of not working on a server and I want to help the new server operators who may not know the ins and outs of Perl/Lua.

swansona65 06-08-2018 09:18 AM

I am trying to create a script for NPC's that will teleport people to tier zones.. So you would hail the NPC and he would teleport you to said zone. I have no idea where to even start, thank you for your help.

Kingly_Krab 06-08-2018 11:22 AM

Take a look here.

swansona65 06-08-2018 02:57 PM

Thanks man! Can you give me dumbed down version with only a hail and port to a specific zone name i can fill in. I will deal with flags later.

Castious 06-16-2018 02:07 PM

A way to limit the amount of damage able to be done via melee to a NPC. Like say I only want players to be able to hit something for 20 damage max.

Huppy 09-06-2018 08:09 PM

Help with quest::follow ?
Been trying to figure out what I am missing here with simple script. The text response works, but not the follow.



        my $gather = $entity_list->GetClientByCharID($charid);

        if($text=~/hail/i) {
        quest::say("I'm with you $name and following.");

Akkadius 09-06-2018 08:28 PM

Try using $name in quest::follow - or $gather->GetCleanName(), but $name should suffice in your given example

Huppy 09-06-2018 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 260050)
Try using $name in quest::follow - or $gather->GetCleanName(), but $name should suffice in your given example

Ok, I will give that a shot. I did try using GetClientByName($name) as well as a few other variables, but I will see what happens with your suggestion. Thank You :)

Almusious 09-07-2018 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Huppy (Post 260051)
Ok, I will give that a shot. I did try using GetClientByName($name) as well as a few other variables, but I will see what happens with your suggestion. Thank You :)

In your quest::follow is where you try $name he means

You shouldn't have to get the client object, as it is the initiator of EVENT_SAY, so just $client would suffice

Ive always used an ID of a pc/npc, give it a try:


                quest::say("I'm with you $name and following.");

Huppy 09-07-2018 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Almusious (Post 260057)
Ive always used an ID of a pc/npc, give it a try:


                quest::say("I'm with you $name and following.");

Hey Almuscious, thank you, that little sample works like a charm :)

I'd already tried a few variables with the quest::follow before I even posted the question, including $name and $client, etc.

My intentions for this little task, was just for any player that hails the NPC, it will start to follow.

I've already got scripts running with NPC's following other NPC's with id's but this was my first crack at a random PC follow.

I was going through everything on the wiki with entities, etc., and had no luck, but I sometimes I overlook the obvious, lol

EDIT: This works good with an EVENT_ENTER as well. I set the proximity so all you have to do is run by and it clings to you, lol

Almusious 09-07-2018 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Huppy (Post 260059)
Hey Almuscious, thank you, that little sample works like a charm :)

I'd already tried a few variables with the quest::follow before I even posted the question, including $name and $client, etc.

My intentions for this little task, was just for any player that hails the NPC, it will start to follow.

I've already got scripts running with NPC's following other NPC's with id's but this was my first crack at a random PC follow.

I was going through everything on the wiki with entities, etc., and had no luck, but I sometimes I overlook the obvious, lol

EDIT: This works good with an EVENT_ENTER as well. I set the proximity so all you have to do is run by and it clings to you, lol

Before the recent work on the eqemu wiki I would often turn to the source (embparser.cpp, etc.) to see what what expects as data but keep this in your arsenal, it will likely be your go to:


If we look up the quest::follow we'll see it expects an entity id rather than the object itself

quest::follow(int entity_id, [int distance = 10])
Consequently you can define a following distance with the below


quest::follow($userid, 50);

without a distance defined it will default to 10

Happy coding

Huppy 09-07-2018 10:51 AM

Thanks a lot Almusious. Just thought I would mention. Did some testing with the proximity trigger and a 2nd PC wandering by.
If Player A has the NPC following and Player B happens to come along, NPC picks up the new player and follows. It's funny, lol

Almusious 09-07-2018 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Huppy (Post 260061)
Thanks a lot Almusious. Just thought I would mention. Did some testing with the proximity trigger and a 2nd PC wandering by.
If Player A has the NPC following and Player B happens to come along, NPC picks up the new player and follows. It's funny, lol


        if ($text=~/hail/i and !$entity->GetEntityVariable("master"))
                $entity->SetEntityVariable("master", $charid);
                quest::say("I'm with you $name and following.");
        elsif ($text=~/leave/i and $entity->GetEntityVariable("master") == $charid)
                quest::say("Fine $name!  Be all alone in your travels...");
                $entity->SetEntityVariable("master", 0); # just in case it doesnt poof i guess

Huppy 09-08-2018 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Almusious (Post 260062)

        if ($text=~/hail/i and !$entity->GetEntityVariable("master"))
                $entity->SetEntityVariable("master", $charid);
                quest::say("I'm with you $name and following.");
        elsif ($text=~/leave/i and $entity->GetEntityVariable("master") == $charid)
                quest::say("Fine $name!  Be all alone in your travels...");
                $entity->SetEntityVariable("master", 0); # just in case it doesnt poof i guess

Hey Almusious, I just got around to testing this out, this morning. I couldn't get any response out of the NPC with it.

The initial hail>follow script will serve it's purpose, but thinking ahead, would open up an exploit with conflicting players.

Could end up with 2 players (or more) spamming the npc with "Hail's" to steal it away. Would be funny to watch, lol

Huppy 09-09-2018 02:10 PM

I almost forgot about another question I had regarding this follow thing and wondering if an idea I had was possible.

For example, NPC starts following player, but then the player is moving too fast, creating a big distance between them.

Is there a way to set an "sfollow" when a certain distance happens ? Like if the player gets too far away, the NPC quits ?

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