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Sakrateri 01-27-2008 09:43 PM

Hey WC,

Working on a New WoodElf city I was placing some fires around and got this and I am not sure if its OZ or if its my vid card, fires work ok in regular zones though...anyway, what do you think?




Thanks !

Sakrateri 01-28-2008 04:34 AM

Nevermind, it seems to only have done that on the first export of the zone , each export after that seems to work fine...?? go figure lol.

heres a couple more shots of that zone.



Thanks again for all your hard work on this most awesome program!

I paid for Realmcrapter which was fifty dollars at the time and I think is upwards of a hundred now and it is still the biggest piece of $%#$ I have ever tried to use. This beats it by a TON and they have a whole team working on theirs. This is in no way a suggestion for you to put a price on it but the recognition of a generous man that seems to put 110% into what he does and it is much appriciated, thanks again.

Sakrateri 01-29-2008 07:16 PM

Well, its back

I noticed there was no light at all coming from the torches so I added a light source to two of them and this is what I got


Any idea?

Windcatcher 01-30-2008 01:41 PM

That's really weird. It's like the client isn't properly adding the ambient light to the emissive color. Is this the Titanium client?

I might need a small sample that I can test, basically so I can make an .S3D and an .XWA, inspect both, and see how the two clients deal with them.

Sakrateri 01-30-2008 04:42 PM

Yes it is the titanium, I do have other versions of the client that work with the 7.0 server I am using and will try them. By samples you mean the zone itself? I can give you both an .s3d and .xwa if you like no prob, just let me know.

Sakrateri 01-30-2008 05:45 PM

Does it with 2 different clients, Lighting seems to work fine in original zones with both clients too.

Sakrateri 01-30-2008 06:06 PM

To make sure its not an issue with the zones I import into OZ I made a flat zone with OZ and put a campfire in it .


Windcatcher 02-01-2008 09:21 AM

Yeah, if you could post an S3D and an XWA I could test it...

Sakrateri 02-02-2008 06:23 AM

I Pm'd the files to you. thanks

If you need more (like the scn file) let me know.

Sakrateri 02-13-2008 08:27 PM

No luck with this yet WC?

Windcatcher 02-14-2008 05:21 PM

Honestly I hadn't looked at it yet (sorry). I've been taking a short break from EQEmu, after doing lots of spell work for the SimpleClient test server. One question: in the zone properties in OpenZone, do you have the zone set to indoor or outdoor? This setting affects which ambient light setting is used when the zone is exported to .S3D. Maybe changing it will have an effect.

I just looked at both versions with my zone readers and I'm not seeing any illumination coming from the braziers at all. Were the right files exported?

Sakrateri 02-21-2008 03:05 AM

Well, Actually because I am importing these zones from 3ds Max instead of creating them in OpenZone I dont have the option to set them to indoor or out. I never use create new zone, I just go to import 3ds when I make a new one and import the zone mesh like that.

Windcatcher 02-21-2008 10:30 AM

Even if you import, under File...Properties you can set the zone type (look in the upper right corner). At any rate, I wasn't seeing any illumination. Were light sources added to the zone?

Telltolin 03-24-2008 02:49 PM

I'm having this same problem, any word on a fix? I'm placing the light sources in openzone, and I keep ending up with that weird effect.

(The faydark firepot is a standin)

Telltolin 06-18-2008 05:15 AM

Hey, isn't there a fix for this? I need lights in my zone because for some unknown reason my buildings are really really dark even in bright daylight unless I have a light source in my zone somewhere.

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