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acepanther 10-18-2008 02:09 PM

Level problem with MovePC()
So, in my server, I want an NPC to be able to send you to dungeons you have already visited, or other areas of interest. I am going to (Eventually) use a zone flag where you have to visit the zone first, and then you can be sent there at any time. This allows for going to a dungeon, filling up on loot, gating out (with my gate amulet) to sell, get spells, etc, and going quickly back to continue adventuring.

For this, I'm using the quest::movepc command. The problem is, it doesn't always work because it thinks it's trying to send me to a high level plane. For example, to go to the Abysmal sea:

if ($text=~/abysmal/i){ quest::movepc(279,-199,0,140); }
(ZoneID: 279 from the "Zones" table in the PEQ database)

However, instead of going to abysmal sea, I get sent to the safe point in the zone and see the message (my char is level 57):

You are not yet experienced enough to pass through an inter-planar portal.

This happens for several areas, Abysmal is just one of them. For the rest, this command works just fine, even for planes. For example:

if ($text=~/fear/i) { quest::movepc(72,1282.09,-1139.03,1.67); }

And "poof!" I'm in the plane of fear. For Hate though, I get the error.


cavedude 10-18-2008 02:35 PM

If you're using a non-GM toon, then you'll need to remove the status of some zones, including Abysmal Sea to enter. They either aren't done yet, or in the case of abysmal we're not yet to a point where the zone can be opened.

A quick query to do this to abysmal is:


update zone set status = 0 where short_name = 'abysmal';

acepanther 10-18-2008 03:47 PM

Gotcha (I believe you meant min_status there). Once I did a search in the forums for "min_status", I got a lot of help. What confused me was that I was testing on a GM flagged char (level 255) and it all worked fine. Now I know better...

Thanks very much for pointing me in the right direction!

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