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-   -   Trouble connecting to servers. (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39552)

xer0615 04-07-2015 01:01 AM

Trouble connecting to servers.
Been having a lot of issues lately on p99 in particular, I've been to their board a dozen times with my issue and have never had any help in coming to a resolution.

I am experiencing a problem whereupon selecting my server and clicking "Play", the game stops responding for a period of 15 seconds or so, and my display brightness jumps up substantially (presumably to whatever my in game brightness setting is.) After this 15-20 seconds it boots me back to the login screen almost without fail every time.

Typically, at least in the past, a simple reboot has fixed this issue (assuming I launched EQ and connected the moment I reached the destop . However more recently (this last week) that has not been the case. These last two nights even launching the game immediately following a reboot has not been helpful.

While I was running out of other ideas I attempted to ping the loginservers, for login.eqemulator.com I was getting 250ms pings, for login2.eqemulator I was receiving timeouts. My eqhost file is set to use the first login address, though I have seen plenty of past threads on p99's board where people recommend the use of login2.

The sad part about this is that I am pretty good at diagnosing and correcting problems, but nothing I try seems to make a difference. I've tried fresh installs of the titanium. Fresh installs using duxas. red99 setup, even a fresh install of titanium on a fresh install of windows did not ease my trouble. Neither has selecting a core affinity. I am fairly certain that it is not my ISP as this is the only thing that gives me trouble, and I have 3 friends within the same neighborhood with the same isp, same modem/router combo and they have no such issue.

While rebooting my computer used to get it to work, running the command /ipconfig release to renew my ip never did work. I've given proper read/write permissions to my user account within the windows security settings.. The point I'm trying to make is that I've tried everything short of blood sacrifice to fix this, and I'm beginning to wonder if I should go on a goat hunt.

I'm running windows 7 home premium on a home built computer.

Nvidia Geforce GTX 760. 8 GB of Ram clocked at 2133 MHz. AMD FX 8350 CPU, MSI 970A-G46 Mobo (arguably not the best choicefor my CPU but this thing never gets remotely close to 100% load)

Operating system hosted on a 120 GB SSD while mass storage (including my eq titanium install) is on a secondary 3 TB Seagate Digital HDD.

Both storage drives are brand new out of the box-- Yes you guessed it, this f******** up issue has persisted even through new hard drives with fresh operating system installs AND a fresh titanium install!

Any any ports I could find recommended be opened I have opened long long ago.

Any information anyone might be able to provide would be greatly appreciated.

xer0615 04-07-2015 01:04 AM

And yes, while I am playing on P99, I feel the latency and timeouts are indicative of this possibly being an issue with my connectivity to the loginserver. I've tried for years following the help of the individuals on p99 and not a single piece of advice given has worked so I am seeing if maybe there is something on the end of the loginserver that I should know about.

Bandor 04-07-2015 09:17 AM

I know Im having alot of problems today. Haven't had trouble connecting in years but now I keep getting errors everytime I try to log in,doesnt matter which acount,server,or client.

Bandor 04-07-2015 09:18 AM

And just like that, as soon as I say somethings wrong it all works fine again lol.

Uleat 04-07-2015 05:50 PM

If no changes have been made client- or server-side, then it's likely internet traffic (or, more specifically, a DDoS)

xer0615 04-08-2015 10:28 AM

If it were a DDos would it not be more widespread? Last time a game I was playing god DDOS'd no one could connect.. these problems are happening during peak hours with 1300 people on server.

As of right now I am unable to ping your loginservers. Ping request could not find host login.eqemulator.org. Please check the name and try again. I've tried this for login2 as well. So, any chance of a response including an attempt to actually help?

xer0615 04-08-2015 10:36 AM

Apparently it's not just local. Juust got off the phone with my ISP and there is nothing wrong with our service, yet...


So out of curiosity i thought to myself "perhaps I should try pinging the actual IP"

so I went to a website whose sole puprpose is to identify the IP's of websites, entered the loginserver addresses and received this error


vsab 04-09-2015 04:07 AM

That's the wrong url.

From: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?Play_Gu...etting_Started


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