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Tombster 04-29-2009 11:27 PM

LS Passwords
Terribly sorry, but I was wondering if there was a way to retrieve LS passwords? I don't remember changing any of mine but they aren't working at all. (and yes, the LS is up right now.)

jellyini 04-30-2009 02:14 AM

ditto. same problem i mention here:



jellyini 04-30-2009 02:24 AM

I have pm'd doodman, since I was incorrect in my approach to rogean. I actually PM'd him long before I contacted rogean via the "Loginserver Being Down"


Originally Posted by Rogean (Post 168673)
If you have a problem with the forums or your account, pm one of the other admin/mods.


Recipients: Doodman

Yesterday, 09:17 PM
Junior Member

Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: ABQ
Posts: 22

Having trouble w/ pw, after ls restored
Good day,
I am having some issues with my login. I am aware that the LS is back up and I still cannot login, I also cannot reset my password in CP. I was given a link for pw recovery in irc chat, and have been waiting for that email to arrive.

For some reason I am unable to PM rogean about it.

My email is jellyini@gmail.com.


Oh, and the pw reset was for the forums, not the ls. sorry, thanks for trying.

Tombster 04-30-2009 11:48 PM

Well we just have to be patient then. :)

greldor 05-01-2009 08:31 AM

Try PMing KLS, that has worked for me in the past.

Good Luck

jellyini 05-01-2009 10:39 AM

KLS was notified, now i just need the response.

Tombster 05-01-2009 10:32 PM

Any luck with yours?

edit: Heh, wow. I just figured the ones on mine out. Not something I put though. : /

jellyini 05-03-2009 03:52 PM

no luck, still can't login to primary account over a week now THREE admins have been notified either here or PM. Everyone wants to pass the buck to KLS and KLS isn't answering my PMs. Are there ANY other admins here capable of resetting my primary ls password?


trevius 05-03-2009 04:35 PM

Only KLS and doodman (and maybe Rogean) have direct access to the host that has the LS accounts on it. Hopefully sometime in the future there will be a way for users to reset their own LS password similar to how they would reset their forums password. Until that change goes in, it is unlikely to get password resets. In the past, it wasn't even an option at all to get a password changed or reset. Most people just create a new account and try to keep better track of their passwords for it.

jellyini 05-03-2009 04:56 PM

i know what my pw was,and the current it isn't any of the ones i chose, past or present. I write 'em down, not my first rodeo, trev. i learned the hard way a loong time ago.

but what i'm hearing here is, forget about all the time i spent developing characters on this acct? i mean i can dig that this is a test server, and it's not like i was all that far. But is this an accurate representation of the level of support and professionalism that this community represents?

I had this issue over a week ago, reported it, got no response on the forums, or was told that this was not an issue the admin could handle (no suggestion on where to turn for help either), PMed doodman who was more helpful, even CCing the issue over to KLS. I have sent 2 PMs (days apart) to KLS and not received even ONE response to the 3 PMs sent total. Now, today, a week later, I get you, trev, telling me to forget about all the time spent in-game and spent in trying to fix something I didn't break.

Seems curious, tho. cuz I see others being helped, I have been helped, but no one seems to want to touch this.


trevius 05-03-2009 05:22 PM

Greldor mentioned that KLS was able to fix it in the past, but she didn't have this access until the past few weeks. He may have been thinking about the forums account instead of the LS account. I haven't once seen anyone confirm that they were able to get their password reset through the entire time I have been around this community. I honestly can't say for sure that it is possible or what would be needed to do it. If doodman couldn't do it for you, then I don't know how KLS could, because he should have the same access as her and much more experience on the host than her.

If you know what your password is, then it should work. They don't change at random. Either you or someone else with your account info had to have changed it. The only issue I have heard of that could cause a set password not to work is the issue with the restriction of how many characters you can set your password to. The forums will let you set your password to something longer than what the LS can handle. I do not know exactly what that limit is set to, but I do know that 6 chars works perfectly fine. If your password is longer than that, maybe try logging into the LS using only part of your password. So, if your password is "password12345" maybe you could try these passwords (example):


And see if your password works by truncating it like that. I dunno if it will, but that is something to consider if you have a long password.

I am not trying to be rude, I am just trying to tell you what I have seen in the past around here. Something should have been setup for password resets long ago, but it never was. And until then, people should be able to contact someone to get them reset, but I have never seen actual confirmation from one of the limited people that have access to the host that it is even a possibility, or something that they will take care of.

I don't know exactly why KLS hasn't replied to you, but I do know that she is kept pretty busy and has a lot going on. I can't really speculate as to why, though I am sure there is a good reason. Keep in mind that she is coming into a lot of responsibility and many systems like this that need to be updated or corrected. I am sure it is hard for her to get any permanent fix in when she is trying to be the temporary fix (manually) herself.

Your best bet might be to try to contact the management on the server you have characters on for the account you can't get into. They may be able to get your characters moved to another account for you at your request.

jellyini 05-03-2009 07:18 PM

No, we're totally cool. I really DO appreciate this project and it even being here in the first place. I just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page as far as what was to be expected.

I was surprised that KLS hasn't tried to contact me, really. I do understand what it means to have a full plate and just not be able to stretch far enough. After doodman CC'd the reply to my PM, doubly so.

And, once again, lol, close but no ciggie on the pw issue. I had at the very very start signed up for the LS with an 8 character pw. it's my habit, many sites are switching to using 8 char, 1 cap, 1 number, and 1 symbol in attempts to further secure (and confuse) the typical users account. Needless to say, it wouldn't work. It was in fact my first real support issue when attempting to play.

I will attempt to contact my server admin to attempt a character transfer, as long as that doesn't require knowledge of the current pw of the originating account.

My sincere thanks, trevius, your prompt and thorough responses are always appreciated.


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