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GRUMPY 03-19-2017 06:49 AM

EQ2002 Up and Running
This is a copy of Secrets EQ2002 database. MANY thanks to him for letting me use it to carry on with it.
Any players who were enjoying this before, your toons are still there. (including YOU Secrets) :)
Server is on a solid dedicated box and will stay up 24/7 unless a reboot is needed for updates.

robrosoft 03-19-2017 09:00 AM

Is there anything different needed to connect here? At first I was able to get to the character select, but got disconnected after that. Now I get "1018: you currently have an active character...". The odd thing is I get this message even if I login with a different account.

GRUMPY 03-19-2017 09:08 AM

Its all RoF2 client. There is a link in the MOTD when you first login to grab custom files.

robrosoft 03-19-2017 09:18 AM

So the client we used originally (Secret's download) should still work? I get the following after selecting my character and trying to get in.

[Sun Mar 19 09:12:28 2017]00329:Initializing character select UI.
[Sun Mar 19 09:12:28 2017]00330:Resetting game UI.
[Sun Mar 19 09:12:40 2017]00331:Zone Connect -- 0 -- Received MSG_ZONE_ADDRESS
[Sun Mar 19 09:12:40 2017]00332:Zone addr [] received...
[Sun Mar 19 09:12:41 2017]00333:ZONING
[Sun Mar 19 09:12:41 2017]00334:Networking: Connection Closed [0] with 0 pending bytes.
[Sun Mar 19 09:12:41 2017]00335:Networking: using port [65045].
[Sun Mar 19 09:12:41 2017]00336:Networking: Connection Established [1]
[Sun Mar 19 09:13:41 2017]00337:Could not connect to [client:DisconnectReasonConnectFail,server:Disconne ctReasonNone]. Negotiation count: 598.

[Sun Mar 19 09:13:41 2017]00338:Networking: Connection Closed [0] with 0 pending bytes.
[Sun Mar 19 09:13:41 2017]00339:Failed to connect to zoneserver (, port 7071), result = 1, for MSG_ZONE_ADDRESS.

[Sun Mar 19 09:13:41 2017]00340:THE SERVER IS NOT RESPONDING.
[Sun Mar 19 09:13:41 2017]00341:
end of DisplayScreen

[Sun Mar 19 09:13:43 2017]00342:disconnected at C:\p4\EverQuest\live\EverQuest\EverQuest.cpp:17851 (char. select) g_world == NULL

[Sun Mar 19 09:13:43 2017]00343:Character is .

[Sun Mar 19 09:13:43 2017]00344:YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED.

GRUMPY 03-19-2017 09:19 AM

Ok, Hang on it's still showing you online, but I am going to lock it and see whats up.

GRUMPY 03-19-2017 09:28 AM

Ok, I found a little "technical glitch" (grin) My zone port range forwarding had a typo, one friken digit. Sorry about that.

robrosoft 03-19-2017 09:31 AM

Thanks! I am in now :)

GRUMPY 03-19-2017 12:35 PM

There's a NEW download link in the motd on login for updated spell files (v5)
I will have a webpage up within about 14 days max. (not doing those free ones).
I'll work on getting a forum and allaclone setup as well. Step by step .......haha

EDIT - Forgot to mention - (to Secrets), feel free to logon anytime and do some yard work. (you're still 255) :)

NostalgiaEQ 03-19-2017 08:54 PM

my suggestion is make a blogger, free hosting and a lot you can do with it.

GRUMPY 03-19-2017 08:56 PM

Don't worry Nostalgia, been around for years ...............

Maze_EQ 03-20-2017 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by NostalgiaEQ (Post 253571)
my suggestion is make a blogger, free hosting and a lot you can do with it.

Men make websites.

Liberals make blogs.

GRUMPY 03-20-2017 11:22 AM

The website is already in the development stage, which I will include a changelog listing the ongoing work being done.
Yesterday I tackled a few little odds and ends. Got some pok stones fixed and got rid of the lobby and baz doors altogether.
Next on agenda is getting rid of the "out of era" AA's and putting all the gnolls back in splitpaw.
Just as Secrets had planned, there is only a "small few" modern features left in for this intended era, and everything else
will stay on track, with no compromises. It's not a matter of trying to produce something similiar to others, but in reality,
when we have a big list of servers like we do already, running into repetitive content is to be expected.
Many players out there have their "game plan" for what they enjoy and I have mine. As we speak, everytime I log on,
I get that emote, "You have gotten better at having fun"

NostalgiaEQ 03-20-2017 03:04 PM

mabye we can split the work of getting the knolls in splitpaw since I need to do that too.

Were you thinking of just getting rid of the elementals then looking at p99 wiki or whatnot to change the spawn coords of the knolls that are currently outside the lair to inside by changing their zone in the spawn2 table and coords?

GRUMPY 03-20-2017 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by NostalgiaEQ (Post 253586)
mabye we can split the work

A lot of this is development I have already done on my own project long ago, which was headed in the same
direction as this one. This project with Secrets work came up as a very sudden, spontaneous thing, prompting
me to put my own work on the shelf, but it's just a matter of running a few queries to incorporate some of
my own work into this server. There's no need to delete the elementals to replace them with gnolls.
In the DB, most of the NPC Id's are 18000 - 18112. Just edit those to race 39 and adjust the levels, stats,
etc. Move all the gnolls in Karana to the proper spawn points in paw and rename the elementals to various
gnoll names. From there it's just a matter of picking away at spawn details and loot.

NostalgiaEQ 03-20-2017 06:21 PM

hmm cool didn't know they just replaced the basic knolls with elementals one for one. So basically if you convert the elementals at their current spawn points to knolls and add in the special knolls then you have it back to pretty much classic?

Any ideas on fixing boats?

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