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strugglegenerator 11-17-2019 09:43 AM

Naked Untargettable Humans
I've found many of these throughout my server and I've been able to fix them with a combination of changing their race to 127 or 240, their bodytype to 67 or 11, and their gender to 0.

That only works if you can find the NPC in the database. For many of these naked, untargettable humans, I cannot find them in the zone using #list npcs. I can't even find them in the database.

What is the best way to identify these invisible, naked humans in a specific zone? Let's say I'm in Blackburrow and I can visibly see one of these guys, how can I actually find that specific NPC in the database if they don't even show up using #list npcs? I know they usually have a weird name like "Target" or "Whisper" or "Spires" etc but some have no name at all and just aren't listed.

chrsschb 11-17-2019 12:54 PM

Query for those races and bodytypes then filter out npcs like shadowed men. Then you can mass edit them all.

strugglegenerator 11-17-2019 01:22 PM

I really don't want to mass edit all of them, since I'm learning the purpose of these untargettable naked human NPC's as I go. I'd really like to identify a specific untargettable naked human NPC in the zone I am in and fix them 1 by 1.

Why don't they ALWAYS show up using #list npcs when I'm in the actual zone?

Uleat 11-17-2019 09:15 PM

Post some examples of the ones not showing up by name and zone.

It's hard to give an explanation not knowing all of the details :)

strugglegenerator 11-19-2019 08:43 AM

I'm away from my PC until Friday so I can't post in-game screenshots until then, but a specific one that stands out is the naked untargettable human that stands directly underneath Innoruuk in the Plane of Hate.

I was never able to find that NPC using #list npcs, nor was I able to find any of the dozens of untargettable human NPC's scattered throughout Plane of Hate using #list npcs.

I'll supply screenshots on Friday =)

Nukerella 11-19-2019 11:57 AM

Have you tried going into the database and searching up the id range for that zone to see what comes up.

Hateplane is 76 so search up all npc's between 76000 and less than 77000 Should give you everything in that zone. allowing you to narrow your search.

strugglegenerator 11-27-2019 07:40 AM

Thank you for the help everyone =) Nukerella's suggestion of searching by the zone ID in the npc_types table turned out to be the solution. I never realized that the zone ID corresponded to the same ID #'s in the npc_types table. After searching from 76000 to 77000 in the npc_types table I was able to find every single mob in Plane of Hate and identify the naked untargettable humans. Thank you!

Nukerella 11-27-2019 10:14 PM

happy to hear it helped you, happy adventuring!

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