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-   -   Feature request to add WPFix. (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42476)

WarAngel 05-27-2019 09:30 PM

Feature request to add WPFix.
I was thinking that it would great to have a feature similar to "Spawnfix" but for a waypoint. I love that we can see the waypoints in-game. Very wonderful and helpful.
What I am hoping for is to be able to select a waypoint and "WPFix" it. Just to reorient the x,y,z and heading (maybe even fixing the pause time?). This would save a lot of heartache and time trying to fix any mistakes made while adding waypoints to NPC grids.


Huppy 05-27-2019 10:11 PM

I would agree, that would be a great feature to have in-game, but making something like that work, especially targetting a mob on the move and getting that #wpfix to happen, I predict, it's something the dev's would probably welcome with nothing less than an extra strength Tylenol. Like trying to cook a steak well done on the inside and rare on the outside. ;)

WarAngel 05-28-2019 02:33 AM

True, but that's why I was talking about selecting a waypoint and WPFix'ing it. When I am in-game and I select an NPC, I have the option in my chat window to click on. That shows the NPCs waypoints. I am able to see the waypoints that are represented with little cubes. I can also select the cubes and see information on that waypoint in a popup window.

That's where my idea came from. If I can select a waypoint...would be neat to "fix" it as well.


Huppy 05-28-2019 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by WarAngel (Post 262671)
I am able to see the waypoints that are represented with little cubes. I can also select the cubes and see information on that waypoint in a popup window.

Ah, ok, I guess I'm not utilizing what you've got going. I'm still doing the old school thing of typing #wpinfo to see a list of all the waypoints. Sometimes when I am not happy with the grid, I will just delete it altogether, then run around with a #wpadd hotkey to create a whole new grid for an npc, lol

WarAngel 05-28-2019 03:48 AM

Those cubes and the command in chat, I have only recently noticed. Its nice to see when that one wp if a little too high and such, so you do a fix in the database.

But yeah, I do exactly what you do. And I get OCDed about my waypoints. I often delete and redo a lot until my brain calms down. I am so bad I have macros made that make it quick and easy. One "WP 15" for a 15 second pause, "WP 20", and it goes on.

But god help me when I see waypoints via these little cubes, after targeting on a rat in Neriak Foreign Quarter (and other places with original content)....and click in the chat for grids. My brain EXPLODES. 20 or 30 or more waypoints when only 6 would do. Cant handle that and HAVE to redo those atrocities. :-)


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