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strider51 08-17-2014 04:13 PM

Bots randomly despawning / camping?

I've seen some strange (although rare) behavior with bots. In groups with multiple other real PC's (say 4 total including myself), I'll spawn 2 bots.

Occasionally, They will just despawn (sometimes mid fight - although not dead). Am I doing something wrong? Is this a known issue?


I'm using PEQ Aug 11th, with the Git build prior to this latest new DB update. so as Of 8-17.

Uleat 08-17-2014 05:07 PM

Are you not the group leader, or are you changing leaders?

NatedogEZ 08-18-2014 04:54 AM

This usually happens when someone zones in I think..

Meaning if you have 2 bots in your party and 1 other PC... but that PC is in a different zone.. and he decides to zone into the zone you are in.. it will despawn your 2 bots ..

(at least it worked like this before ... not sure why havent looked into it)

Uleat 08-18-2014 02:14 PM

I need to speak with one of the devs about a recent change..I can't zone with my bot and the group is bugged until camping...

This may be a different issue than what you spoke of Nate..though, we need to fix that too :)

strider51 08-18-2014 06:05 PM

ok cool. So I wasn't going crazy!

Let me know if you would like me to look into it.

Uleat 08-18-2014 10:07 PM

Nate said his bots were working where I was having issues...

I'm gonna reinstall my db tonight and have another look. If I can't reproduce your error, we may need some additional information from you.

NatedogEZ 08-19-2014 05:47 AM

I looked into it.. there are 2 errors in the bot code.

Zoning with bots it checks to make sure you are the group leader.. if you are not .. your bots dont come with you..

2nd.. (sorta related)
While you have bots spawned and another PC from your party zones in.. it tries to "respawn ALL bots" in some weird fashion... that really breaks it all to hell..

I have it sorta fixed on my test server.. just need to test it more to actually call it "FIXED" :p

edit... the two functions to look at...


strider51 08-21-2014 06:57 PM

Thanks Uleat and Natedog. I look forward to the updates. Side note: are the waters calm from the object layer updates ? aka is it save to pull ?

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