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mrea 10-09-2004 06:26 AM

Would it be possible to extract the zone info from the MW alpha1 db and source it into the PEQ Classic db? Races also (to be able to be iksars and vah shir)

Cisyouc 10-09-2004 08:26 AM

Re: Zones

Originally Posted by mrea
Races also (to be able to be iksars and vah shir)

UPDATE variables SET value=255 WHERE varname like 'expansions';

adark2002 10-09-2004 09:03 AM

Re: Zones

Originally Posted by Cisyouc

Originally Posted by mrea
Races also (to be able to be iksars and vah shir)

UPDATE variables SET value=255 WHERE varname like 'expansions';

Although you can't start in Cabilis or Sharvahl with the variable set to 255 you can play the races :wink: Example: Start a human monk and log em in,target him and type #permarace 128 ,zone and instant lizard.


Theres a guide here somewheres that has a list of all the races check around for it,lots of fun to check out the different combos :)

Good luck

mrea 10-09-2004 10:34 AM

I knew I could do the permarace thing but I wouldn't want that as I am going to have a Custom Legit server with no commands whatsoever. But does anyone know if I extract the start_zones data from the mw_057d2_alpha_1 database would it be compatible with the new database structure (5.8 Classic style).

sotonin 10-09-2004 10:37 AM

it wouldnt matter the zones arent there. and if you added them to zones table they would be devoid of any creatures or npcs. so no trainers, etc.

mrea 10-23-2004 03:27 AM

I know they would, I've been messing around with populating OoW zones with Dragorns etc.

eq_addict_08 10-27-2004 06:32 AM

Just take a few minutes to download MW db and look at the table structures. You'll be able to tell if they are the same pretty easily

sotonin 10-27-2004 06:59 AM

it really has nothing to do with table structures. The difference between classic and mw is huge in the id organization structures. MW is all over the place, merchant ids here and there pointing all over the place with no pattern. We've re-ided most zones (npcs, spawngroups, vendors, etc) and organized everything, so the mw data as it is, will convert over very poorly unless a lot of work is done. This is assuming you do get the structures to match of course.

mrea 10-27-2004 10:41 AM

Well, what I'm doing now is enabling all expansions but everyone starts in west FP, all new items and creatures.

Muuss 10-27-2004 06:42 PM

i got MW to work with 6.0 servers, but obviously not mixed with PEQ Classic.
- source MW into a temporary database
- source barebones.sql and all the needed fixes to your EQemu DB
- dump MW with mysqldump : mysqldump -p -c -n mwdbname > mw.sql
- source mw.sql into your EQemu DB.

warning : you may have to check a few things, and to be smart. IE, minium_lvl for example, might need to be changed only after your sources mw.sql...

if you follow the link in my sig, you'll end on a website where you can download the DB i m using on my private 6.0 dr1. It's not perfect, but if till PEQ releases Kunark, and even Velious, you can at least lvl up to 60, or higher and do some other stuff than farming Vox or Nag :)

Spike 10-27-2004 11:50 PM

After adding the 5.8 classic into the mysql database, cant you just source the other older DB's and it'll insert the changes? Or, just edit the .sql file, then upload it?

Muuss 10-28-2004 12:07 AM

You can't.
PEQ changed the ID of its npcs, loot tables, factions... etc and it wont mix well with the older DBs. You must choose. If you want to merge them, you ll have to adapt the 'older' database, and it's gonna be a big big work !

Xentar 10-28-2004 04:56 PM

I've been trying to import the items table from MW's to PEQ's. Not put it in the middle or something, but at the end of the existing table in PEQ. theoretically it shouldn't hurt anything since the ID field is set to auto-increment?

Anyways, I'm running MySQL 4.0.12 and on their site it said UNION commands work but for some reason UNION is not working. Can anyone tell me how I can import the items table from MW to PEQ properly?

Any help is very appreciated.

Xothin 10-28-2004 07:57 PM

Take a look at the CVS repository and download all of the necessary zone files from there.

I got all starting zones and zones period just by sourcing the .sql files from the CVS repository.

Sure, some of the zone points are wrong, but those are easily rectified. Fix the issue with the start_zones by sourcing in the Classic DB fix from PEQ and all your toons will start in the right places.

Muuss 10-28-2004 08:10 PM

when you import npcs, you have to import roughly 5 or 6 tables (spawn2, spawnentry,spawngroup, loottable, lootdropt...), that's why you can't simply take the npcs of a database to merge them into another one. All the tables are linked by their indexes, and, unless you wanna end with firebeetles droping cloak of flames, you can't just 'dump and source' the tables, their indexes are linked.

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