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-   -   Not sure what has changed ... (build issue) (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41161)

jdoran 02-16-2017 03:52 PM

Not sure what has changed ... (build issue)
It has been around 6 months since I've had time to work on this server (which has custom quest generation code that I am experimenting with).

Now when I start it, none of the inventory items are found, and I cannot summon any in game.

I wish I could remember what I was working on earlier, but that is too far back. I do see database changes, and I believe these are all up to date.
Attempting to correct whatever has changed is one approach I could take.

Or I could clone a new version of the source, and reintegrate my changes after I get that working. I feel better with this approach....

I'm using cmake 3.3.2, and the "-i ." we used to add to the command line is not accepted.
[jon@iceberg eqemu]$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -Wno-dev -i .
The "cmake -i" wizard mode is no longer supported.
Ugh. I hate to ask such elementary questions, but since the build guides still say to use the -i switch I feel that I must ask what the updated build procedure is.

demonstar55 02-16-2017 04:32 PM

use ccmake

jdoran 02-16-2017 07:49 PM

I would need to figure out how ccmake works in that case. It seems to me that my source directory is my build directory, but that probably isn't the case.

It is frustrating to spend a substantial portion of my available time on something that was working just fine for me earlier.

I can edit the CMakeCache.txt file by hand.

Uleat 02-16-2017 08:26 PM

What does shared_memory.exe report for items?

jdoran 02-16-2017 09:41 PM

Shared just loads them, doesn't say anything else. Unless there is a switch that I don't know about.

After rebuilding, the server is functional, so nothing was wrong with the item database. But since you asked about shared_memory...

[Status] Loading items...
[Status] Loading factions...
[Status] Loading loot...
[Status] Loading skill caps...
[Status] Loading spells...
[Status] Loading base data...

The files are reasonably large.

I suspect that with the fresh clone/build things are back to normal. I will just need to integrate my changes, but thankfully I have some time over the weekend.

Thanks to both of you for responding.

Uleat 02-16-2017 09:48 PM

Typically, when I see problems with items in-game like that, it's because someone (me) forgot to run shared_memory after making ItemBase field changes.

That throws the entire item mmf out of alignment.

jdoran 02-18-2017 09:15 PM

I did run shared_memory, so that wasn't it. A missing database change could be responsible. Or one of my code changes -- although I think that I would have backed it out.

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