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maveren 10-10-2004 05:40 PM

PEQ_CLASSIC_058 NOT 059DR2 Compatable
I have only gotten barebones to work with DR2, i cannot get PEQs to work at all.

Malignus Wingnut 10-10-2004 05:52 PM

In order for ANY database to be compatible with 5.9 DR2 you need to source:


All of which can be obtained on sourceforge from the cvs repository.

maveren 10-10-2004 08:52 PM

peq still errors
whats does peq offer other than some items over the barebones?

sotonin 10-11-2004 01:07 AM

Live pathing, Live spawns, Live mob stats. Pretty much everything. There's nothing wrong with PEQ database, it boils down to operator error. They made changes to the server, thus requiring .sql files, we have no control over what they change to the db with the new releases. That is the developer's.

maveren 10-11-2004 04:39 PM

i havent seen any mobs yet and explored a few old world zones. am i missing some commands when i first set up the classid db?

sotonin 10-11-2004 05:52 PM

Nope. u didnt do it right then. You source it in. then source in the aa .sql's etc. And you are done. He already posted it above



maveren 10-11-2004 07:49 PM

alright dit them in that exact order:
create database eq
use eq
source peq_classic_058.sql
source aa.sql
source AA_levels.sql
source aa_timers.sql (gives table already exist error, nothing is sourced)
source altadv_vars.sql
source zonecfg.sql (gives alot of duplicate column errors, then alot of Query OK 0 rows affected.)

Running World and Boot5 dont show any errors.
Gets through character select screen.
But when autobooting zone the client hangs.

5.9-DR2, Complete Client to Live patch.

I can get it to run the barebones.sql sourced to peq's but no NPCs show up in game unless i #spawn them.

Arcane 10-12-2004 12:33 AM

Try sourcing the barebones first, then PEQ, if you do it the other way around it sounds like you are undoing all the done stuff in the database. That doesn't sound right because you should get errors about this that and the other already existing right?

sotonin 10-12-2004 01:06 AM

aye barebones wipes the db and makes it fresh.... so using it after peq simply deleted everything lol.

Edgar1898 10-12-2004 01:53 AM


alright dit them in that exact order:
create database eq
use eq
source peq_classic_058.sql
source aa.sql
source AA_levels.sql
source aa_timers.sql (gives table already exist error, nothing is sourced)
source altadv_vars.sql
source zonecfg.sql (gives alot of duplicate column errors, then alot of Query OK 0 rows affected.)

Running World and Boot5 dont show any errors.
Gets through character select screen.
But when autobooting zone the client hangs.
Actually, I believe his error is causes by an incorrect Boot5zones.bat file. (assuming he did exactly as he stated above) Note that in the above, zonecfg.sql is not needed since it is already source into that database.

maveren: could you paste your boot5zones.bat?

finwe 10-12-2004 03:05 AM

where can i find barebones.sql??? tks

Edgar1898 10-12-2004 03:17 AM

read the global announcement at the top of your screen.

maveren 10-12-2004 09:12 PM

@echo off


if NOT exist spells_en.txt goto NOSPELL

for /f "tokens=1-6 usebackq delims=:. " %%a in (`ipconfig ^| find "IP" ^| find "ress" ^| find /v "" ^| find /v "localhost"`) do set EXTERNAL_IP=%%66.%%94.%%XXX.%%XXX
echo External ip for this system is %66.94.XXX.XXX, internal is localhost

start zone . 66.94.XXX.XXX 7995 localhost
start zone . 66.94.XXX.XXX 7996 localhost
start zone . 66.94.XXX.XXX 7997 localhost
start zone . 66.94.XXX.XXX 7998 localhost
start zone . 66.94.XXX.XXX 7999 localhost


echo Copy spells_en.txt into that directory !

[Status] Loading Variables
[Status] Loading zone names
[Status] Loading items
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
[Status] Loading npcs
[Status] Loading npc faction list
[Status] Loading loot tables
[Status] Loading Loot tables from database...
[Status] Loading doors
[Status] Loading guilds
[Status] Loading factions
[Status] Loading corpse timers
[Status] Loading what ever is left
[Status] Loading commands
[Status] 166 commands loaded
[Status] Entering Sleep mode
Connected to worldserver: localhost:9000

Muuss 10-12-2004 11:39 PM

Maveren, I recognize this boot5zones, its partially the one i submitted a few days ago. Tho, the way you modified it is... mmmh... inadequate.
You'd better use the boot5zones that comes with every eqemu package.

sotonin 10-13-2004 01:11 AM

Yep. 99% chance thats your problem. Not a database issue.

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