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link2009 09-11-2006 12:16 PM

EQ2 Emulator?
Are there any EQ2 emulators out yet?

John Adams 09-11-2006 02:59 PM

This is an EQ emulator site, not EQ2. You might try Google?

maverick3n1 09-11-2006 04:20 PM

No need to bust his chops.. EQ and EQ 2 are made by the same people and have a similiar fan base, so I'd say he has a perfectly legitament question... Maybe there are people on here working on an EQ2Emu... It wouldn't suprise you, would it?

link2009 09-12-2006 10:24 AM

So...is there an EQ2 Emulator out there? I tried gooogle..:)

I did find: http://sourceforge.net/projects/eq2emulator/

But there are no files..

GeorgeS 09-12-2006 04:17 PM

Yes, there's an closed source eq2emu but the site has been down a while
I think rangerdown (also is a dev. here) may know more


John Adams 09-13-2006 12:55 AM

Well since Maverick3n1 seems to think we should answer questions here about any and all SOE supported games, yet offers no solution to those he champions; up top in the menu bar here, click the Search button and type in "EQ2Emu" and see what comes up on this very site. Quite helpful.

And Mav, please have the balls to tell the admins/devs here to not "bust someones chops" because they are asking an irrelevant question. At least I attempted to help, as unsatisfactory as that may be to you.

(btw, kudos to the OP for at least starting the thread in off-topic, since it is :))

mattmeck 09-13-2006 06:57 AM

#1, Onve of the developers for EQEmu also run the EQ2Emu project but was deployed to Iraq and the project is on hold.

#2, WTF is up with the Admin bashing when I hadnt even posted in this thread? Talk about moff subject.

#3, this wasnt started in off topic, he started it in general support and I moved it.

link2009 09-13-2006 07:35 AM

Alright, I think I received my answer. No need to start arguments.

Thank you for all your answers.

maverick3n1 09-16-2006 12:32 PM

It only makes sense that the creators of EQEmu would consider working on EQ2Emu, just as someone asking SoE if they are in production of, or considering making an EQ3. His question wasn't entirely without merrit...

I personally have searched for EQ2Emu on google, and just got a round about, with nothing directly pertaining to who makes EQ2Emu, or where to get it. Only people talking here and there about it possibly existing.

<-- [Heart] Admins/Mods/Devs =) Won't find me badmouthing them. As an Admin on other sites, I know how important it is to have the existance of volunteer mods/devs etc.. no hate here =)

maverick3n1 09-16-2006 12:33 PM

oh, and for John Adams here.. (As an Anime Cartoon sticking out their tongue at him...) "PITA!" *grin*

sdabbs65 09-18-2006 05:54 AM

Old as Mold...
This project is no longer maintained like matt said.
it's still on sourcforge if you want to play around with it.
as far as support, umm I doubt you will find any.
but it does work with my old eq2 backup archive.
barebones to say the least.


cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@eq2emulator.cvs.sourceforge.ne t:/cvsroot/eq2emulator login

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@eq2emulator.cvs.sourceforge.ne t:/cvsroot/eq2emulator co -P modulename

link2009 09-20-2006 01:45 PM

Thank you so much for that last post, I can finally fiddle and release a good version of EQ2Emu ;) But for god's sake, I am using Tortoise CVS to get the repository and I can't insert a blank password for anonymous and it won't work! I even tried my sourceforge.net user/pass and it still won't accept it! Can you help me a little lol? Thanks :)

John Adams 09-20-2006 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by maverick3n1
oh, and for John Adams here.. (As an Anime Cartoon sticking out their tongue at him...) "PITA!" *grin*

Hehe much <3 @ u 2!! :)

John Adams 09-20-2006 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by mattmeck
#2, WTF is up with the Admin bashing when I hadnt even posted in this thread? Talk about moff subject.

I wasn't admin bashing. I was challenging Mav. ;)

I <heart> the red man with the wiki stick.

sdabbs65 09-21-2006 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by link2009
Thank you so much for that last post, I can finally fiddle and release a good version of EQ2Emu ;) But for god's sake, I am using Tortoise CVS to get the repository and I can't insert a blank password for anonymous and it won't work! I even tried my sourceforge.net user/pass and it still won't accept it! Can you help me a little lol? Thanks :)

there is no password you just press return in dos when I check it out.
you not going to be able to fiddle much because they didnt release a
login server for it... just server code.
Tortoise CVS isnt the right way to check out this project. unless it supports blank passwords.

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