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Cvinion 02-21-2009 01:59 PM

SoA Progression, [A Review] - Long Winded
Please take this for what it is, an experience. This is not a flame, nor is it a whine, I hope just to share how i felt whilst playing on a server. I know it is fine to post server reviews here and I figured this would be a great way to let people know about one of the newest progression servers!!

After joining SoA's new progression server I played around with a few characters ( 3 sets of 3 different characters each time) after reaching the mid 20's on all of my characters I decided to try to get more involved with the community, I figured there were some good people here and it would be fun to meet them.

This is where the experience of SoA Progression turned sour for me. After meeting a few rude people, a few nice people, and a few whiners I came upon a few people whom were to me outfitted far beyond what they should have been. This being a progression server I became quickly aware of the fact that these items may have been acquired illicitly and without proper effort (cheat much?).

I blew this off as maybe that one guy had just had dumb luck and got an incredibly rare spawn one day. Well it was less than 100 feet away I spot another TWO players with manastones. This is the point where absolutely loose my cool, I don't yell nor do I get angry (I left that to someone else) I just politely asked these players where they acquired the items. After some talk two of these individuals told me that they had worked on the server either coding or server hosting.

After this someone else whom had come to the same assumption of me (in fact my group mate) starts going off in OOC about what has happened and before anything really happens the GM comes on and GM Mutes his OOC commands. This kind of irked me, but I guess his server his rules, can't go shouting off at the mouth and things like that. Well I understand but it still doesn't sit right with me.

After this the GM decides that this has been going on long enough and actually bans two players whom were accusing these players of going outside of the rules and preset boundaries. This may have been acceptable for the OOC and the yelling, but I do believe the player was backed by a valid argument, level 30 characters should not have Manastones, and especially not 6 of them in the first few weeks of a server coming up touting that it is legitimate.

What I have got from this server is that those whom have an "in" with the GM have perks that the rest of the community does not have. When this is brought to light they are banned, and when you want a fair server you just can't have it.

In Conclusion

After playing and looking for a legitimate server, and finding what I had hoped would be a great place, I quickly realized that this server was full of corruption, politics, and favors and that no matter what I did I would still not be able to play "legitimately" and be able to compete with some of these players.

All in all I hope anyone that reads this doesn't get the "vibe" of a players disillusioned and upset because of a petty argument, I hope the players that read this will take a second thought when joining SoA Progression server, as there is obviously an unfair playing field as soon as you log into the server.

:Personal Note to Spider:

I loved the server and the work you put into it, but the fact that there were players there that openly expressed the fact that they had "worked" on the server and were geared with things that would have been Impossible to achieve on a truly legitimate server just left a sour taste, But I wish you the best in whatever your future holds for your server.

unknownhost 02-21-2009 04:36 PM

just want to say i have never played SoA and have no idea how things are there. just saying this so my post wont be understood as an attack against somones hard work i havent personnaly experienced.

that being said, it does seem that A-LOT of people build there own servers not so that they can do what they wont to do specificly but also in large part so they can have a place to "be #1". Pvp servers seem especially guilty of this. All this work goes into soooo many servers then gms/buildiers give themselves a few nudges as reward for their hard work. i donno, i disagree with this practice and certainly will not be giving myself on my builder buddy (or anyone else who joins in time) any bonuses or freebies whatsoever "IF" (keyword!) our server even makes it off the ground. i always kinda figured if you really put any effort into building the server you have enough inside knowledge that you should already have a massive advantage over anyone who joins up out of the blue.

anyways, i hear ya bro, sucks to be outside of a servers inner circle. (AGAIN please remember im NOT taking about SoA as i know NOTHING about them guys!) but i reckon thats one of the many reasons we make our own sandboxes i reckon. :D

spider661 02-21-2009 06:43 PM

ok first off soa progression is in early BETA i personally think it should not be public yet.. this server is not done there are not all the drops that should and should not be there yet.. you cant even progress yet.. so first off your post is abit early..

secondly the players you see with items they should not have yet are not item they should not have there items that don't drop yet because we have not got them in yet.. like the manastone.. only 3 players have it all 3 killed the proper mob to get it and 2 of the 3 where gms on there player char the 3rd is just a player that happened to be with them.. that's y we test.. before we put it in we gave it to a few players to see how the server goes with it.. sony removed them for a reason we are seeing if its over powered but they still had to kill the npc to get them.... and its not favoritism or only the gms would have them.. they let the player that was with them get one also.

anyways the only reason i reply to this.. was to say this server is still way to beta to have a post like this and the guys that got ban got it because they would not shut there mouth on somethign i was trying to explain nicely to them and all the drama like this in ooc.. this was after players had to come on vent and ask me to get on to deal with one of them because he was cursing and causing all the drama in ooc for a good 10 mins at lest before i got there. so this is not the place for it ether.. if your not that person fine its still way to early to be posting here a review of a server that's only been up for say a week and is only about 5% done...

The Noidster 02-21-2009 07:11 PM

Well first off I can say that this is pretty bad if I need to get on ehre and say something. Usually I leave the posting on here to spider as I have never really had a reason to post but this is a bit ridiculous.

First off the very first thing you said

Please take this for what it is, an experience. This is not a flame, nor is it a whine, I hope just to share how i felt whilst playing on a server. I know it is fine to post server reviews here and I figured this would be a great way to let people know about one of the newest progression servers!!
Well I can say honestly thats a lie. Usually people who start off by saying "this is not a flame" usually means they are going to flame no matter what.

As far as "GM Favortism" I'd like to know how you see that. The manastone was dropping off a mob...granted there were to many droping but they did drop and it did take a full group of people to kill the mob. If you notice on the server select screen it says "SoA Progression BETA. Read MOTD!". Beta sir means that its still in the TESTING phase....which in turn means that everything is not as it should be hence why the word BETA is in the name at the server select screen.

Now I am not sure if you are one of the two that got banned for cursing swearing and running off at the mouth in OOC for at very least ten minutes or more but....even if your not for you to come on here to defend a friend is not necessarly bad...but you also need to include the fact that your friend/friends were whining up a storm in OOC asking why they can't have a manastone given to them right off the bat. I mean to complain is one thing but when players need to log on ventrilo to get a GM because the people persist on pushing a subject along with curing and swearing where everyone can read it is a bit ridiculous.

Your opinion of the server is fine...everyone is entitled to their own...but giving a review of a week old server and telling people not to log on it is a bit childish seeing as how the only reason your doing it is because your friend/friends threw a temper tantrum that got them banned.

In the future if you start your own server I would like to know the name of it so I can come play on it for a few hours then come on here and post a full review of it after its been out for merely a week. I mean wouldn't that seem fair to you? Or would you deem it childish and spiteful for me to do so? If you do think that then perhaps you should rethink your actions.


Aerlys, Lead Dev GM

Cvinion 02-21-2009 09:22 PM

Thanks for the input Noid, However like I had said before is this is a review of a personal experience. If you search for my previous posts you will see that I make these posts for just about every server I play on. And up until now they have all been great reviews, in fact I was ~ 6 for 6 until now, so please before you try to "flame" back or whatever you were trying to attempt I just wanted to show you that again this is my opinion.

But you however do bring up a good point, Yes I was upset that there were 3 manastones on a legitimate server. I am upset the server has been up less than 10 days and there are 3 manastones on it, TWO of which were players that were involved with the server in an administration role. I am upset that it was the characters that were involved in the server that had these items. I hope that people reading this will see that this server is suffering from flaws, and hopefully you do get these worked out before going live and your server excels. Again my best wishes for getting things straightened out and working appropriately. I however wanted to let people know my opinion on the server as is.

ansley 02-21-2009 09:34 PM

I saw a guy with Fabled weapons and was like meh..logged off.

spider661 02-21-2009 09:56 PM

if there was a guy with a fabled wep they should not have it like stated befor the serve ris by no means done.. and yes that means fables are there some of them.. we are working on removing them but its going to take some time.. obviously someone neglect to petition they found a fabled up.. and that's y when this is all said and done and out of beta i want to wipe and start over but im no sure if that's going to happen yet or no but players keep getting this stuff and not letting us gms know that's how its going to have to go.. for everyone else please join the server look around have fun.. and please petition anything that's not right so we can fix it.. and that's no me asking you to wine about stuff you don't like you don't think is right.. that's me asking nicely let us know whats there that should not be there stuff like that.. so we can get this server working right fabled up let us know.. this mob was not here in classic tell us..

Cvinion thanks for your opinion you have the right to one even if we don't like it.. thanks for playing there and hope you will come back once its all cleaned up and ready for live.. until then i think im done here for this post unless someone else says something that needs me to respond to i got to get back to this server.. thanks guys

ansley 02-21-2009 10:03 PM

I'll totally play if theres a wipe leveling to 50 with fabled items is much easier then an actual classic server.Letting people keep their levels they earned with gear they aren't supposed to have isn't overly fair. Just stating what I saw I totally understand it is beta.

Fadedspirit 02-24-2009 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by ansley (Post 165014)
I'll totally play if theres a wipe leveling to 50 with fabled items is much easier then an actual classic server.Letting people keep their levels they earned with gear they aren't supposed to have isn't overly fair. Just stating what I saw I totally understand it is beta.

Myself, along with one other person, were the first individuals to hit 50 on the server. I can tell you with complete confidence that NO ONE leveled from 1 to 50 with fabled weapons. Every time I hear someone being a crybaby about fabled weapons, it's normally because that individual they are crying about didn't know fables aren't supposed to be in.

My character is Braxton, the first 50 warrior on the server. I looted a Fabled Dragoon Dirk at level 28, proceded to level 32 before seeing a GM doing server announcements about fables being removed as they were supposed to be in. RIGHT at that moment, at level 32, I deleted the fabled dragoon dirk (9/23, piercing) that i was doing about 16-28dmg with per swing.....and replaced it with my Forged 2handed sword(12/44 ?) that was doing around 80-105 dmg per swing. In NO WAY was leveling with a fabled weapon OP enough to warrant a wipe on the server. Additionally, the only fabled weapons in were the Fabled Dragoon Dirks, as they had caught most of the more famous fabled mobs earlier.

I am tired of seeing QQing little kids coming on our wonderful server, crying and cursing in /ooc because they saw level 50s already(who leveled hardcore and legitly with ONLY 1.5x XP bonus) and say the server needs a wipe because they have to ACTUALLY do a corpse run on a progression server. If you seriously think cursing and calling GM's "worthless noobs with no lives" in /ooc.....expect TO BE BANNED.


Fadedspirit 02-24-2009 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Fadedspirit (Post 165177)
Myself, along with one other person, were the first individuals to hit 50 on the server. I can tell you with complete confidence that NO ONE leveled from 1 to 50 with fabled weapons. Every time I hear someone being a crybaby about fabled weapons, it's normally because that the individual they are crying about didn't know fables aren't supposed to be in.

My character is Braxton, the first 50 warrior on the server, looted a Fabled Dragoon Dirk at level 28, proceded to level 32 before seeing a GM doing server announcements about fables being removed as they weren't supposed to be in. RIGHT at that moment, at level 32, I deleted the fabled dragoon dirk (9/23, piercing) that i was doing about 16-28dmg with per swing.....and replaced it with my Forged 2handed sword(12/44 ?) that was doing around 80-105 dmg per swing. In NO WAY was leveling with a fabled weapon OP enough to warrant a wipe on the server. Additionally, the only fabled weapons dropping were the Fabled Dragoon Dirks, as they had caught most of the more famous fabled mobs earlier.

I am tired of seeing QQing little kids coming on our wonderful server, crying and cursing in /ooc because they saw level 50s already(who leveled hardcore and legitly with ONLY 1.5x XP bonus) and say the server needs a wipe because they have to ACTUALLY do a corpse run on a progression server. If you seriously think cursing and calling GM's "worthless noobs with no lives" in /ooc.....expect TO BE BANNED.


-edited for clarity, and spelling-

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