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Zone Dynamic 01 Constantly Restarting (Database sourcing problem?)
Hello all. I've searched up and down on google and this website and can't seem to find an answer to my problem. Sorry in advance for the wall of text, I put a tldr at the bottom.

I followed every single step in this guide: http://www.eqemulator.net/wiki/wikka...rverSetupGuide

*However*, I run into a problem at step 4 (http://www.eqemulator.net/wiki/wikka...tupGuide#Step4) where it says to grab the peq database (http://projecteqdb.googlecode.com/sv...k/peqdatabase), and then says "[n]ext, go to the folder C:\EQ\SQL and unzip the file from peqdb_revNNNN.sql.gz."

This file is no longer on the website, and there is a textfile called "DO_NOT_USE_THIS_DB" which contains a link to a more up-to-date database (http://peqtgc.com/releases). I downloaded the beta database file and the quests file. I wasn't really sure what to do from here, so I sourced "load_player.sql" and "load_bots.sql" from the old link and then just sourced "drop_system.sql" and "peqbeta_2013-09-14-02_01.sql" from the new link.

When I got my server all setup and ran it, zone.exe gave errors. I then extracted all the quests from the new database link and replaced the old quest files in C:/EQ/EQEmuServer/Quests and sourced "user_tables_2013-09-14-02_01.sql" and "source_views.sql" which obviously didn't work and probably made things worse (sourcing user tables almost made my cmmd prompt crash).

So can anyone help me out as to what I did wrong? I don't have specific error logs with me now, but I don't really know how to post logs here (the log text files don't give full details like running zone.exe in cmmd prompt does), and I have a feeling all of this is due to me not properly setting and sourcing my database.

-old database: http://projecteqdb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/peqdatabase
-new database: http://peqtgc.com/releases
-was confused by directions, so sourced "load_player.sql" and "load_bots.sql" from old database and "drop_system.sql" and "peqbeta_2013-09-14-02_01.sql" from the new database (followed by "user_tables_2013-09-14-02_01.sql" and "source_views.sql" when I got zone errors)
-still getting zone errors (peq.zone doesn't exist), faction errors, etc.
-guessing I screwed up step four, help please

Appreciate any response, and sorry again for the messy walkthrough.


Hm, I know it's only been a day and I should be patient, but I see that my thread has had ~40 views. Am I explaining myself in a confusing way? I guess I should've asked if anyone here has recently set up a server successfully *after* they made the new database (following the guide as well) and what they then proceeded to source to make their server work. Do I completely ignore all the files in the old database (http://projecteqdb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/peqdatabase) and only source the new database (http://peqtgc.com/releases)? Or do I need to use both?

I won't post on this thread any further for a couple days unless someone responds, I'm just trying to make sure I'm being clear. Sorry for the spam and thanks for any help someone wishes to offer!

provocating 09-16-2013 11:42 AM

I recently compiled and I did not use the old PEQ database (SVN), and I used the new site. If your zone is constantly restarting then you should have a log in the log folder saying why the zone is restarting, posting that info is needed to get an answer.


Thanks for the answer Provocating. I was missing tons and tons of .sql files (zone.sql etc) and knew it was because I sourced wrong and was hoping for an answer akin to the walkthrough ie. step by step, detailed instruction on what files to source in what order etc.

However, I figured it out. For anyone wondering, you no longer source anything in the old database whatsoever. Download the peqbeta (or whatever the database file will be named in the future, it'll contain .sqls) and the quests. Place the quests where the guide tells you to and extract all of the .sqls in the database archive in your C:\EQ\SQL folder. Open up MySQL command prompt as the guide tells you to (make sure you're in the SQL folder) and type 'source user_tables_XXXX;' (without quotes) where 'XXXX' is the date and then type 'source peqbeta_XXXX;' (or whatever the file will be named in the future, will be the biggest file from the archive you extracted from) and then type exit once it's done. *ONLY* source user_tables if it's a fresh install, continue to source more recent database updates as they release per normal though (just don't ever source user_tables again).

Also, if anyone screwed up sourcing like I did, you're going to need to point command prompt to your SQL folder, open up mysql prompt and type 'drop database peq;' and then create a new database as the guide directs (just ignore their database links and what to source, it's out of date).

Sorry for wasting your time provocating but thanks anyways man! Hope everyone will excuse the spam as well.

provocating 09-16-2013 12:26 PM

You mights still want to monitor those log files, I found I was still missing a table and a few updates. You will clearly see a SQL error in the logs.

wolfwalkereci 09-17-2013 01:17 PM

NEEDADISPENSERHERE - off topic but love the user name. "I destroyed your crap knucklehead!"

demonstar55 09-17-2013 02:04 PM

You most likely need to source in the files in utils/sql/git/required. Mostly the 3 newest (I think)

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