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Trubles 04-04-2015 04:54 PM

Age of Destruction

You've made it to The Void, the eternal chamber of Zebuxoruuk. You've defeated the Gods, Quarm, and any foe in your way.

The future is safe for now, but what about the past?

The Age of Destruction is upon us. With the protector of the time rift, Quarm, destroyed a new danger has risen. With time itself being distorted, the future is changing in only ways that past events could foresee.

What does this mean for the races of Norrath? The hearty adventurers that seem to never fail at their task?

Enter the world and see.

Hi everyone.

I've been working on my own server for a few months now. Little things here and there, but am looking to release a pilot this weekend.

(This will include the beginning zone and hub)

Please stay tuned!

Leetsauce 04-06-2015 09:51 PM

If you'll have me I am so in for this.

Akkadius 04-06-2015 10:08 PM

I always loved playing with time based stories.

Sounds fun.

Good luck

Trubles 04-07-2015 06:28 AM


Blood of the Akkadian and Age of Kunark were two giant inspirations for this.

Leet, would you really like to collaborate?

Had some issues happen through the week end where my domain controller that runs dhcp assigned everyone the same IP address.

Got it fixed but it took a majority of my weekend, so I'd like to say a preview for next weekend.

Leetsauce 04-07-2015 07:24 AM

Collaborate? Bro, I am not original in the slightest but I will happily contribute what I can, but I really just want to play it =p it is the whole parallel timeline that grabs me right in the plums.

Trubles 04-07-2015 07:26 AM

Haha, well it's getting somewhere slowly. working on the initial hub at the moment.

going to try and not make things cookie cutter.

Trubles 04-07-2015 11:44 AM


You've ripped them from the plane of existence, doomed them to a life chained to the void, their souls may never leave, the fabric of time is slowly wilting away. Do you have what it takes to fix the damage you've caused?

Leetsauce 04-07-2015 12:00 PM

Speaking of cookie cutter if you'd like to use anything from my hub(s) feel free to ask. I'd happily share.

Trubles 04-07-2015 12:02 PM

Gotta add me on a messenger or something bud.

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