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kokey98 06-08-2018 12:58 AM

Is this normal?
I don't recall this error message before. i may have been in gm mode?

well, i don't feel like searching for a freee pic host it says:
[mysql error] 1146: table 'peq.character_item_recast' doesn't exist
---select recast_type.timestamp from character_item_recast where id=1

it occurs everytime i loot something on a recently cloned/compliled from 'master' branch on github. there was loot on the few npc i killed, fwiw. money drops fine.

possible reason:
i had trouble getting it to compile. when i first updated/plopped boost 1.67 boost/boost directories into the 'dependency' folder and overwrote any duplicates, it didn't work. so i copy/pasted but didn't overwrite files from eqemu dependencyx86 zip on 2nd attempt and it compiled on that 2nd attempt. seems like this is not right and maybe a cause?

everything else seems fine. is this most likely self inflicted? did i miss a db update or misapply something? happy to do heavy lifting, but need a point in right direction.

GRUMPY 06-08-2018 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by kokey98 (Post 258997)
[mysql error] 1146: table 'peq.character_item_recast' doesn't exist
---select recast_type.timestamp from character_item_recast where id=1

Did you confirm the character_item_recast table does not exist in the db,
like the error states ? Did you manually source in a fresh new database ?
Example: the "daily dump" peqbeta zipped download comes with these -
peqbeta.sql - player_tables.sql - load_login.sql
The player_tables.sql will have that particular character_item_recast.

As for the boost problem you had, I just posted that about a week and
half ago, but what I did to correct the wrong way I updated, was go into
the Main (parent) boost folder in dependencies (not the boost subfolder)
and deleted everything in it, including all subfolders. Then I put the entire
contents of the Boost 1.67 zip file in there. Problem solved.
(Thanks to Mr. joligario's tip) :)

kokey98 06-09-2018 03:55 PM

rah-roh shaggy, that table doesn't exist in my peq database. odd thing is i haven't purposely* removed anything and i doubt manually sourcing bots would cause this to occur.

i'll go look through the required sql updates directory on github. i guess i missed one, lol. never saw that error before the more recent updates on github, though.

kokey98 06-09-2018 04:31 PM

funny thing. just looked through 6-9-2018 player_tables.sql and it does not create a table named 'character_item_recast'. searched all the 2018-dated sql files in that zip just in case.

i do see it on the github wiki database schema... through google, since when i try to load that page it says too large to see here etc.

also, this was happening on a loot. item recast on looting? i guess it's possible but looks odd to the eye. (timer for loot mixed in?)

Uleat 06-09-2018 04:42 PM

That comes from the 'normal' side of updates - 2015_01_31_character_item_recast.sql, in particular.

Looks like the player_tables.sql in the peq daily dump doesn't include that.

So, the only way to 'capture' that is to have the updater run.

Did you run the updater offline perhaps? (That includes starting your server)

That can cause issues like this.

EDIT: He beat me by this much -> ''

kokey98 06-09-2018 04:55 PM

<looks around sheepishly>

I don't use the updater :p. i wanted to dink around with source even though i have not, yet. i used installer to get db setup. since then i compile source and run the db updates as needed and update db version etc.

i created the table, only unsure thing was whether to default timestamp to current time stamp, but i left it no default since there wasn't a note in the wiki. i just tested and seems to work fine as long as it starts as an empty table. edit: i compared to the 2015-1-31 sql too.

i double checked all the other 'character_...' tables from github wiki and i have all of them except this one for some reason. i started with a peq database from the installer, though. and long after 1-31-2015. the only thing i hand sourced was bots and then the sql updates incrementally based on db's stated version and manifest.

i'll go look it over and make sure i didn't do it wrong.

edit: okay looks fine. however, like i said i used the db from the installer for initial install which was after that db-update from 1-31-2015 (date and db version value). maybe it was a temprorary hiccup when i happened to install it? obviously others don't have the problem. or i somehow deleted that one table... never know.

GRUMPY 06-09-2018 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by kokey98 (Post 259008)
I don't use the updater....
obviously others don't have the problem.....

I've done all my installs, with manual compiling of source code and manual installs
of the database, etc. THEN, I run the updater script and all updated tables get
installed properly. From what I have observed, it's usually been those who want
to "dink around" in their own special way, that experience the most problems. ;)

kokey98 06-09-2018 09:11 PM

problem isn't form the source and the database came from installer, but i appologize for trying to customize something on my home server, grumpy. plus, any monkey can read a db manifest and follow it. 'this' monkey has a CS degree. turns out nothing i sourced had to do with it.

any problem that could have caused it had to occur when the db was created based on logic of context. the automated process was used to setup the database and update it, and it was created/auto-updated ~2.5 years after that jan 2015 sql update which creates the character_item_recast table.

since the current player_table file doesn't create it, it is very possible it has been that way for a while. i had to re-create my server last year and based on folder creation dates it was 8-2017ish, fwiw. it possibly was that way for that long or more.

what you say may very well be true more than not, but not applicable to this situation.

eqemu_server.pl is update script? i open that all the time and it says it's up to date.

GRUMPY 06-09-2018 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by kokey98 (Post 259008)
I don't use the updater


Originally Posted by kokey98 (Post 259011)
eqemu_server.pl is update script? i open that all the time and it says it's up to date.

Sorry kokey, guess I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish. My last reply
was based on the assumption you were doing a fresh, new install of both source
code and current database, (db version 9122) "then" going to monkey around with
that, haha but I'll keep my nose out of it and let you hash it out ;)

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