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Old 11-11-2004, 08:57 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: LasShithole, NV
Posts: 520

dont think there is an actual tool (that i know of)

just set yourself a password in your db, then telnet to your world server and log in.
echo off
announcements on(dont recal if it's announce or announcements)

that should get ya all ooc's gm messages zone connects-disconects.. it idle times out fairly quick though
Perfect quote from another site: it's immature pricks who refuse to read the numerous stickies in every forum pointing out what to do and what not to do that get flamed. Grow up and learn to do your fucking homework before opening your cake hole, junior. EQEmu doesn't like you anymore, and that's why you're getting errors. So go away.
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