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Old 11-16-2004, 03:42 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 253

I've actually played both. Currently still playing World of Warcraft in Beta. Personally, I think EQ2 did a lot of things that people have been begging for--- namely, and most importantly to me, your death = a group XP loss rather than just you losing XP. I don't know about you all, but I always play a class like a rogue and when a group steps through a locked door that I picked, and then I end up dead, noone feels the need to come back and help you. You've already gotten them through the door, now you're just deadweight that's sucking up XP. =( This kind of gave the group a reason to come back and help, ya know? Kind of an intertwining of fates. I'm going to lose an entire level, but you're coming with me type thing. =P Graphics are beautiful--- hardware intensive as all hell--- but I still ultimately feel more attracted to EQ1. Seeing how much things changed between EQ and EQ2 made me latch onto EQ zones even more. I mean, there's nothing like seeing your favorite zone in the future that'll make you A) gasp in excitement and B) make you feel homesick.

On the other hand, World of Warcraft did a lot more than I even expected it to do. Mrea, you're right--- they did just take the races from Warcraft 3 and make them bigger, but it's so much more than that. I don't know how many of you played Diablo II, but those of you who did will remember the skill trees. Well, they've implemented that in World of Warcraft. You gain access to the trees at level 10. Also, ever hated it when someone would kill your quest objective in EQ and you'd have to wait forever to kill it and MAYBE get your item? In World of Warcraft, you only get quest items from the creatures if you're on a quest that involves those creatures. Treasure chests encountered in a quest zone are usually only openable by you and the treasure respawns for each person's quest. I haven't actually seen any "rare" creatures as of yet, but I'm sure they're there in the higher levels. The classes are a lot like Warcraft 2's (having never played Warcraft 3). You'll meet your human priest and your orc shamans, etc etc. It's interesting--- really. You also have an "intro" when you first get into the world that looks completely like a single player RPG type introduction. For those of you people who like thrills, take a ride on a bat (if you're undead). Don't know what you others will have to take a ride on. =)

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