Thread: Guards
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Old 11-22-2004, 11:57 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 85

OK to make anything KOS to anything.. heres an example

1. you need to make a faction..

goto faction_list
put in a name for faction 1.. for this example lets make them Guards of Qeynos

in the Base field lets make it 500 ( this is the number it starts out with... when you first meet the guard.. how they con .. higher the number positive is more they will like you.. lesser negative.. means they will hate you more)

now lets make another faction in faction list
in the next field just put in animals
in the base put 100 or whatever.. if you want them to attack you on sight put -1000 or so.. really dont make a difference at this point

ok now lets make them hate each other...
in npc_faction
create a new entry...
to match the number in faction_list (IT MUST MATCH)

so well put Guards of Qeynos in the name field
in the primary faction field put the number matching this entry..

ok lets make the next entry.. for animals
but the only difference here is in the name field leave it blank.. illl explain later... why

ok next we need to goto npc_faction_entries
here is where we define what happens when we kill a faction and which faction it affects and believe it or not.. it will make each faction hate each other...

so in the first field put the number that cooresponds to the guard faction in the first field
and the same in the next field.. ( my example is 1,1)
now the next field is you ask yourself.. what happens when a player kills a queynos guard.. who does it lose faction with? and who does it gain faction with.. and how much?

ok so in this example if i kill a queynos guard.. the player will lose -500 so put that number in

now for the animals
make a new entry (2,2) for animals..

first field put the number and next field same number
if you kill an animal the animal faction .. you will lose how much faction with them?
ill put -500 also.. again you can put whatever......
now we need another field.. why? well this is where we are going to make the guards and animals hate each other badly

the third in final field put in the animals faction id (in this case it was 2... the next field put in the Qeynos guards Faction id which in this case is 1 (2,1)

so we say.. in this case if player kills an animal it will give what kind of faction to qeynos guards in this case ill put 300
its a positive number that will add everytime you kill an animal..

ok now all you have to do now is this.. in npc_types just put in the faction number for the qeynos guards and each animal that you want on the animal faction..

now in game..
if you run up and kill an animal thats on the animal faction you will not get a message.. other than you killed the mob..

but if you kill a guard
it will say
you lose faction with the qeynos guards .....

and of course your faction will go down.. so be sure to con the guards if you get near them..

ok so lets say you have good faction.. and an animal is like kicking your butt.. now run to the guards.. when the guards notice that someone is getting attacked that has good faction with them.. its natural they will defend them at all cost..

in the agro range change the guards agro to like 30-40 or so.. that gives a decent outdoor range...

good luck hope this helps out

just wanted to add this also.. When guards are on a different faction list.. to make the guard wander.. just set the guard to a grid.. and if it does pass anything that has an opposite faction it willl attack at no cost.. i am using DR6.2 and i can confirm our server is surrounded by this effect.. and it works.. Give the guards again a large agro radius.
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