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Old 12-05-2004, 06:16 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 5

Reading this whole post made me forget what I was going to say, but I agree anything but IE is good, because of IE security issues, its a pitty im stuck using win XP, I would however switch to linux in a heartbeat, if I knew for a fact every game I ever wanted to play would be compatable...

hell i'd rather use mac than Wndows...

i agree with the following people : Sotonin, a_Guest03, jammey97, Cisyouc, Scorpx725, Cavedude, irtehn00b, nanophr34k, eq_addict_08

IE is so exploitable you might as well bend over, pull your pants down and put a sign up on your ass saying insert here.

ps: don't you DARE tell me I do not understand how to take care of computers, I am a computer consultationist, I construct and maintain computer systems and networks, corporate as well as personal, the first step in securing any system is disabling IE for use from anything except the operating system!
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