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Old 12-16-2004, 11:04 AM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Chambersburg, PA
Posts: 469

Originally Posted by KhaN
Yes, it is nice work, very nice. With that much knowledge regarding the file formats, do you intend to create a worldbuilder/zone editor?

Look for OpenZone if you want a tool to create zones. But even with OpenZone or eventually OpenEQ zone editor, you will hit the same "problem" if are looking for a NWN Aurora Toolset like editor, because both wont allow you to use EQ premade objects/zones (copyrighted stuff), so you will have to make all from scratch, but it worth the effort !
Actually, that's not quite true. I want to make it so we can import placeable objects from other files without actually including them... just a reference to the model file.
Keep me unemployed and working on OpenEQ, PM me about donating

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