Thread: /cry.....
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Old 01-23-2005, 07:08 AM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 30

I don't believe you need MiniLoginAccounts.ini. (I'm using the same set-up as you are - no miniloginaccounts.ini file.)

What you DO need is a row in your account table in your database that will tell the server what your account username and password is. As in, run this query in the MySQL console (after selecting your eq database, of course):
INSERT INTO account (name, password, status, minilogin_ip) VALUES ('yourusernamehere', 'yourpasswordhere', 0, 'youripaddresshere');
(Of course, replace all of the '' with the proper values. Be SURE to keep the single quotes in the query, or else it will fail.)

This will add the row into the database. Rename your miniloginaccounts.ini file to something like miniloginaccounts.ini.bak in order to make sure the server doesn't look for it. And try logging in with your new account after rebooting MiniLogin.exe.
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