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Old 02-25-2005, 10:51 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 13

Ok, I have done some playing around with 5.3, first off.. DAMN sooo much faster importing in zones! Excellent!

A problem I ran into now:

Import seems to be erroring out if:
Objects in the scene have 2 or fewer length/width segments
(just my rough observation through testing)

Here is an example (its identical to the previous example except i modified the box to be only 1 length segment by 1 width segment).
- This sample imports and exports fine in version 5.1
- This sample imports but does NOT export in version 5.2
- This sample does NOT import (or obviously export) in version 5.3

Also, the ground editor appears to be working properly for me now, though i havent spent much time testing it yet.

EDIT: Another odd thing I noticed (not sure if its a problem or not) is when I imported the first test file to see if it worked properly it imported fine however the yellow box (the box to keep people from floating off land maybe?) seems to be all broken up. Im not sure if this has any bearing on the export or not but I figured id mention it.
See this for screenshot:

EDIT: I hope you arent dreading my posts yet lol

Last edited by DaSquishy; 02-26-2005 at 07:04 AM..
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