Thread: EQEmu Wiki
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Old 04-12-2005, 07:19 AM
KhaN's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: France, Bordeaux.
Posts: 677

Well i should maybe modify my sentence, Doodman and FNW, the 2 only real devs left, give a shit, but all the others ghost dev, doesnt really give a shit about it.

Like always Cis, you are idiot and mixing everything, of course, we dont ask Doodman or FNW to make the website, check forum, add new features to eqemu to make it enjoyable, its alreay a miracle that with just both of them, EQEmu is still alive (And just for this, they should have respect from everyone here). We are just saying that some people that want to devote their time and have the skills could maybe give a hand to eqemu, and im sure there some around there.

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