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Old 04-19-2005, 11:44 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Malaga-Spain
Posts: 40
Default Nexus Scion quest

This is a very easy newbie manual to make all Nexus Scion teleporters work...If you have perl enabled and running in your server just copy the quests in your quests folder "C:\Eqemu\quests\zonenamehere".

Nexus Scion for Toxxulia Forest:
copy the code bellow and paste into a notepad renaming it as , create a folder inside quests directory named tox, C:\Eqemu\quests\tox\, and save this file there.

#Zone: tox

if ($text=~/Hail/i){
quest::say("Hello $name . I do not have much time to chat. If you wish to [journey to luclin], tell me so.");
if($text=~/journey to Luclin/i)
quest::say("Very well.");
quest::movepc(152, 0, 0, -19.1);

Do the same for all the others zones with nexus spires and restart complete your Eqemu server and run it again, it should be working now!

If the zone is not populated yet, like Great Divide, you can still create a Nexus Scion by doing this:

- Create a folder inside quests folder called "greatdivide", now copy you just created, from "C:\EqEmu\quests\tox\", and paste inside greatdivide folder.

-Inside the game with a GM flag Go to the center of the Nexus Spire where you want to spawn the npc and type:
#spawn Nexus_Scion 128 80 16 100000 0 12 0 0
target the npc and type:
#npcspawn create


Restart the Eqemu server or type the command #reloadpl and ready to go

Last edited by aragon; 04-20-2005 at 03:44 PM..
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