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Old 05-26-2005, 03:16 PM
KhaN's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: France, Bordeaux.
Posts: 677

In gaming industry, there are some rules :
- Always use power of 2 textures.
- Always use Tri's.
So far i think that if your objects are quads, OZ should convert them to tri's (but WC would need to confirm).

If you are modeling under 3DSmax and importing into OZ, there are a few things you should know
- Blinn Specular Light should be black
- Blinn Transparency only works at 0% - 50% - 100%
- You can import lights used into 3DSmax (1u=8EQm)
- You can setup Water/lava/PVP by setting a cube named as for example OZ_WATER01
- And lots more im sure WC added into help file
More generally you do almost all, but place objects

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