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Old 06-17-2005, 12:12 AM
Dr Zauis's Avatar
Dr Zauis
I know how to fix that!
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 447

Originally Posted by Tulwen
If we reinstalled EQ with the CD's and did not patch would that get us going temporarily?

I'm just asking cause I'm trying to learn some about this and have a little fun with it before class starts back up next week.

No..You must patch. That is why its so important to keep the EMU compatible with live..I dont know but I suspect that some day something like Winters
Roar will become toally obsolete and there will be no way to play it unless you were lucky enough to have been playing before..

So thank those Devs for their incredible insight to this game..I have found it to be very confusing compared to a "Normal" 3d game where the .exe and file
structures never change!
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