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Old 07-09-2005, 01:16 PM
Dr Zauis's Avatar
Dr Zauis
I know how to fix that!
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 447

Im soloing like mad right now in Maidens Eye at lvl 50 with my Bard on live.
I found that cool llittle area right next to Dawnshroud zoneline. I just chant
and run..I dont dare to take on more than 2 at a time right now! Besides I use a Trueborn Drum and it dont take that long to kill a blue. I prefer to kite the whites/yellows and low reds though. I dont know if it gives me any more faster XP that way but it sure feels good. LOL..
I wouldnt say I have very good armor..In fact I dont wear my best as Im interested more in the regen properties.
I played my Bard as a warrior type till my mid 40s. But now I will be grouping soon so its back to the books to figure out the best songs and melodys.
I know the high level groups are gonna expect me to know something. Of wich I dont. I picked a Bard cause I played D&D as a kid in the late 70s and it seems EQ is based on that somewhat.
If the Bard class actually worked right on PEQ I would say go for it.
I expect to solo till 60 in Maidens. But I have Family that groups with the big guys so I know I will have to work on that part.
If I were running a server I would give everyone a Fungi from the start. Those classes that cant have it would get something as good as a fungi.
One wouldnt have to worry much about grouping with a fungi equiped.
Compared to live as it is now at least for PEQ regen is alot faster and damage and XP is much higher.
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