Thread: I'm baaaack...
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Old 09-03-2005, 02:14 PM
Malignus Wingnut
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 233


Ok, so I'm done with the guide, though I need a single question answered and I can finish it completely and release it. I do not use a usual database on my server, mine is an updated version of a 5.7 DR2 compatable database, heavily modified, and I haven't touched it in a while, or kept track of what I sourced into it.

If using the newest release of the PEQ Velious database, what exactly are the extra files / commands that need to be sourced to make it compatable with the latest release of EQEmulator?

Also, well really a second question, sorry, but is the latest release 6.0 DR 3, and if so, where can I get perl enabled binaries? Or at the very least, source, so I can compile it.

Expect a release tomorrow or monday.
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