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Old 09-12-2005, 01:42 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Smith Falls, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 283

Originally Posted by cobra80
Anyone managed to load the peq velious rc1 database into a fresh install that mind sharing how they managed? All i keep getting is tables missing when i try to directly insert it or this error when trying to update things.

ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 468253: Duplicate column name 'lootdrop_id'
I am running the lastest peq velious rc1 database. all I did was run gthe following in a cmd window: "mysql -u[user] -p[password]" this brings up your mysql window. In it I typed "CREATE DATABSE eq;" followed by "USE eq;" next I sourced two of the four files from the website. by typing "source load_system.sql;" once it finished, took awhile to do I did the next file "source load_empty_users.sql;" after that nothing else have I changed.

after that I just configured the three ini files and I was good to go.

I can load the server, only errors I see are the missing opcodes everyone else is getting, and the no attacking thing which if reading thru here is right is a translation problem.

I am also having a router issue where to login on my network I have to set all the ips in the ini files to localhost, but when configured for public play anyone else but my local lan can play including th computer hosting the server.
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