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Old 02-15-2006, 01:34 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 72
Default Need help getting zones up

i can get world up no problem, and can log into it and make characters. I cant get zones to work at all thou. Any suggestions?

copy and paste of zone boot up attempt

penguin:/storage/eqserver # ./zone commons 7790 localhost
[Status] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_zone.log
[Status] Using database 'eqemu' at localhost
[Status] Loading opcodes..
[Status] Log settings loaded from ./log.ini
[Status] Mapping Incoming Opcodes
[Status] Loading Variables
[Status] Loading zone names
[Status] Loading items
[Status] loaded
[Status] Loading npcs
[Status] Loading npc faction lists
[Status] loaded
[Status] Loading loot tables
[Status] loaded
[Status] Loading guilds
[Status] Loading guild list
[Status] loaded
[Status] Loading factions
[Status] Loading titles
[Status] Loading AA effects
[Status] Loading swarm spells
[Status] Loading tributes
[Status] Loading corpse timers
[Status] Loading what ever is left
[Status] Loading commands
[Debug] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_zone.log
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'appearance' set to access level 150.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'attack' set to access level 150.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'cast' set to access level 20.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'castspell' set to access level 20.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'chat' set to access level 200.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'copychar' set to access level 200.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'crashtest' set to access level 201.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'damage' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'date' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'dbspawn2' set to access level 200.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'delacct' set to access level 200.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'depop' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'depopzone' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'emote' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'finditem' set to access level 0.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'findspell' set to access level 20.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'flymode' set to access level 20.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'freeze' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'gender' set to access level 10.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'gm' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'gmspeed' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'haste' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'heal' set to access level 10.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'hideme' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'invul' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'invulnerable' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'itemsearch' set to access level 0.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'kick' set to access level 150.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'kill' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'level' set to access level 10.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'listnpcs' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'lock' set to access level 150.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'makepet' set to access level 20.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'mana' set to access level 10.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'memspell' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'motd' set to access level 150.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'movechar' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'npccast' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'npcloot' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'npcspecialattk' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'npcstats' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'npctypespawn' set to access level 10.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'nukebuffs' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'permaclass' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'permagender' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'permarace' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'pvp' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'race' set to access level 20.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'repop' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'save' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'search' set to access level 0.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'sendzonespawns' set to access level 200.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'serverinfo' set to access level 201.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'setaapts' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'setaaxp' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'setallskill' set to access level 20.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'setskill' set to access level 20.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'setskillall' set to access level 20.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'setxp' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'showbuffs' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'showpetspell' set to access level 250.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'shutdown' set to access level 200.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'size' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'spawn' set to access level 10.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'spawnstatus' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'spfind' set to access level 20.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'summon' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'summonitem' set to access level 0.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'texture' set to access level 10.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'title' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'unfreeze' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'unlock' set to access level 150.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'weather' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'worldshutdown' set to access level 200.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'zclip' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'zcolor' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'zheader' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'zone' set to access level 10.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'zonebootup' set to access level 150.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'zoneshutdown' set to access level 150.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'zsafecoords' set to access level 100.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'zsave' set to access level 200.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'zsky' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'zstats' set to access level 80.
[Debug] command_init(): - Command 'zuwcoords' set to access level 100.
[Status] 181 commands loaded
[Status] Loading embedded perl XS
[Status] Loading quests
[Quest] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_quest_zone.log
[Quest] Tying perl output to eqemu logs
[Quest] Creating EQEmuIO=HASH(0x83a063
[Quest] Creating EQEmuIO=HASH(0x8394fe
[Quest] Loading perlemb plugins.
[Quest] Loading perl commands...
[Status] Starting EQ Network server.
[Error] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_error_zone.log
[Error] Zone bootup FAILED!
Connected to worldserver: localhost:9000

The zone_error_log siomply says...

17156 [02.15. - 19:23:05] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_error_zone.log
17156 [02.15. - 19:23:05] Zone bootup FAILED!

Any ideas on what i did wrong??
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