Thread: Swamp Wars
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Old 06-23-2006, 12:28 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 37

I would say your best bet is to keep the server simple, most servers that get complicated quickly die out. If your server is going to be successful you need a set of rules that will never be changed (ie. level cap, number of zones, objectives) Just to throw out some suggestions I would try to have the server based around killing the opposing faction, taking heads and turing them in for gear. Each sides city could be raidable so both factions could battle over the cities; npc guards would drop loot and money. You could also have the gm war events at a specified time and place. The server would be simple but fun and addictive. I would recommend a level cap at 50 and to make experience very fast so that people can focus on pvp and getting gear.
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