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Old 07-27-2006, 02:29 PM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049

My idea was to have the two roamers that path through split paw, spawn Quilmane elsewhere in the zone when they die ( as they do in Live) - I removed Quilmane spawns from the database. What does spawn from the database is the place holders (or triggers) that run through splitpaw.
There's a lot of spawns like this through out the zones.
You can't use these scripts straight-off, you'd have to set up the npcs, spawns and grids to go with them, which is not too hard to do, since it's just a few npcs. The triggers do spawn off the database and have a one in three chance to spawn.

Here's one to think about;
South Karanas' Sentry Alechin is a Wereolf at night , this is the only werewolf that roams SK, and does so during nightime. I guess you'd make a day/night event for this? He drops quest items, which the werewolf also drops, but doesn't give the nasty faction hit the Sentry does.
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