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Old 10-20-2006, 08:42 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 458

Thanks for the reply, KLS.

Well for the most part, the fix should have waited to go in with the latest builds. If you're grouped and keep using combat skills or get a bit too jump happy, you'll end up hating life, lol. Sitting there doesn't regenerate enough Endurance and the spells/items have no effect, so it's pretty much a feature that shouldn't be implemented quite yet.

Hopefully the next build will either have it excluded or the spells for supporting it implemented. I'm not by any means cracking on your fine work - not by a long shot. It's actually freaking awesome.

I have somewhat of a noob question. Can the Endurance be made to regen at a faster rate (like 10x or something) for now? Maybe an SQL table or something along the lines of HP/MP/EN regen rate in the variables table or something? I think that would be pretty awesome, actually.

I may be going way over my head with that, but I was just wondering how/if it can be implmented as a temporary fix until the spells work. I'd love to keep it in but at it's current state, it's just a bit of a problem. :p

Thanks, and keep up the awesome work!
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