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Old 12-16-2006, 05:24 AM
John Adams
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,552

Yes, I am boxing off the same machine. What happens currently (not using this script) is if you have 2 accts with the same IP, I think the Db search stops at the first match of IP it finds (doesn't consider the account name at all, I am sure). Even without 2 boxing. Set up 2+ accts with the same IP in your database, log one in, see the toons. Then, log out - and log in the second acct from the same machine. You'll see the first guys toons again.

So even before trying to 'box', I am having an issue with same-IP. Which I am hoping this tool might help with - but I am thinking, if it doesn't change the first accts IP, it won't solve my problem.

(btw, I don't seem to have this problem with Public, but I don't have access to that atm ~cry~)
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