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Old 01-10-2007, 12:27 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 11

If you want to host a PVP server then please make it have maximum potential PVP! Griefers get their come-uppance by making a name for themselves and getting attacked on sight by many people, corpse camped or denied grouping and guilding.

Having buffs, heals and everything available to cast wherever a player desires allows for more intricate, fun and rewarding pvp battles. Running to save the life of a lowbie being ganged up on, lowbies ganging up on a high level greifer, etc.

I was an Evil on Sullon Zek and numerous times i would have willingly healed a Good to help him kill a Nuetral that i knew and dispised, simply because of that Nuetral's notoriety. I did engage in combat with Goods as my temporary allies sometimes as a means to an end. Granted I would always look for the best opportunity to stab them in the back as soon as i had a chance and didn't require their assistance any longer ~ I was Evil in my roleplay spirit ~

My brother and I would also go gank noobies in Gfay in order to lure groups of high level Goods to chase us around so we could play tricks and kill them in the forest. No better way to get a big fight going than by picking on the weak so they cry for help.
Verant can suck my balls~
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