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Old 01-15-2007, 07:37 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 166

Originally Posted by site3op
Something to ponder while cleaning up merchant lists...
I've been messing around with a necro on the LotR server (currently at around lvl 36.) The current merchant lists on this server are quite helpful to me in gaining spells.
So, a cleaned up vendor listing would mean a necro would go without many important spells for a long time. This could potentially kill any aspiring necro population on servers where populations are very low to begin with.
All I want to provide is a baseline to build on. The first step is to be as close to EQLive as possible. Then we can customize for a low population. Right now we have a clutter of crappy to excellent items scattered over all vendors.
My first though would be to put all research only spells, some usefull tradeskill items and lowby armor and weapons on new vendors. I mean stuff that is usually given away or sold for a few pp on Live and is considered mandatory for any low level char.
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