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Old 03-11-2007, 08:17 AM
Zandig's Avatar
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: New York City
Posts: 180

Taken from:

drop_system.sql - Drops all PEQ released tables so the DB can be loaded successfully.
drop_users.sql - Drops all user-specific (non PEQ) tables. Not normally used.
load_empty_users.sql - Loads new empty tables for all user-specific data. Only used on fresh installs.
load_system.sql - Loads the PEQ database. This is the meat of the release.

An upgrade from an earlier version would consist of:
- Ensuring that your current database is up to date with the version of eqemu you want to use.
- sourcing in drop_system.sql
- sourcing in load_system.sql
NOTE: this upgrade will destroy any customizations to the world (not chars or accounts)

A fresh install would consiste of sourcing in both load files.


I tried it today with the lastest version 990 and it works fine.
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