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Old 06-27-2007, 10:35 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Subsection 185.D354 C.12
Posts: 346

Heres how I made my spell loader for the new editor.

1. Dim Textline(10000) as String
2. Do a line by line read, use a loop so that the spell end up in the array via spell id = array(spell id). This makes life easy when looking for a spell when all you have is a number. Also makes adding a spell into a joke because all you do is select the blank entry and save into it via selected index.
3. Don't delimit every line. Keep each line in its value^value format.
4. When loading a spell, delimit only the line you need. When searching, only delimit each line as necessary.

There are (I think) 202 values per line. Also, if you want them in alphabetical order, your best bet is to dim a listbox, fill in the values name and id with a tab in between. Then tell the listbox to sort itself and then have it load into another list box via delimiting each line and reversing the values.

a few notes,
after delimiting the line, array(2) is the pet summon and array (144) is the icon. Those were annoying to find.
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