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Old 07-31-2007, 06:52 AM
John Adams
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,552

Originally Posted by Dralanna View Post
While I greatly appreciate the work this involves and look forward to it's results, I have to ask if this is intended as a replacement for Titanium? (ie. No further support for EQ Clients?) For me (and I'm sure for many) the fun of the Emu is in reliving what was on live... or seeing things I never got to on live. If this new client wont be able to use original EQ content we lose the nostalgia factor. So basically the question is: will the servers development continues to support Titanium in addition to this new client or will Titanium support be replaced by the new client?
I tried asking this question, and in general was told the EQ of old is not supported. I do not see how SC can zone me into ecommons and see the SOE-specific info unless the server admin provides that content - which will be going against the entire philosophy of SC (i think).

I had asked somewhere if there might be (unsupported) tools for converting SOE content to SC-compatible, and that answer was a resounding "no".

I doubt the devs will cease development of EQEmu for normal EQ clients - but perhaps a branching will occur that keeps the 2 server projects seperate.
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