Thread: Hacker
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Old 08-28-2007, 09:00 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
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Posts: 2,049

I don't think anyone is blocking anything, just simply, lack of interest is all.
Even if you were to fork, I would really think hard about who to give control to all this, because some people in this scene are acting very childish, to a point where they are willing to sabotage what we already have.

Originally Posted by gernblan View Post
There is absolutely NO reason in my mind that ANY good code from ANY source should not have the same chance to get committed as any other.

Personalities mean nothing. Infighting means nothing. This is about the code.

The facts are this, whoever is policing the tree and is putting personalities over the project is flat out WRONG.

If this sort of practice was the norm, we wouldn't even HAVE a linux kernel. Don't believe me? Go read the LKML.

Whoever is cockblocking code from sources they don't "like personally", grow up. Get over it.

Real people are out here running servers that cost real money. We have a right to the best emulator possible. If fixes, code, features and bugfixes are not hitting the tree due to politics, then I call bullshit.

The players also deserve better.

You may not like everyone that has ever worked on this project (or wants to now), but if they write good stable code that improves this project in ANY way, you have a DUTY to accept it, not sit on it. If you do, you're doing more damage to the project than they EVER could.

Think about it.

Image and devnoob (and whoever else) may all BE jerks for all I know. But I say, who cares--it does NOT MATTER.

If they write good code, ACCEPT IT. Otherwise, the maintainers are the ones doing the real damage... and a fork becomes necessary.