Thread: Hacker
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Old 08-28-2007, 10:19 AM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 589

There has to be some way that developers can function and code without all that crap being done. We went from a lot of work being done but a poor community, to a great community and no work being done!!

WTB the mythical middle ground!!
I have to take exception here on the statements that EQEmu is a dying project or that no work is being done anymore. I know for a fact the hard work cavedude and I put into the PEQ work database. Him and I are adding or editing the database on a daily basis. Also, there are a number of people who are contributing other changes to the PEQ database which we manage and then there are also a number of people who make contributions to the quests on a daily basis. As for the coding, I know KLS and FNW are very active as am I. Its true that during the summer, things slowed down a lot, but I think thats normal and happens every summer. I know for me, the summer means a lot of home improvement projects and vacation.

Anyways, it irked me reading that nothing is being done to further the project, because it is simply not true. And this is coming from one of the "developers"... me.
Read my developer notes at my blog.

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