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Old 08-30-2007, 10:24 PM
John Adams
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,552
Default Server Status XML

Some have seen it on a few WoW emulators - a "plugin" of sorts that can be used by a server admin to periodically write server/world/zone/player/instance statistics to an XML file which is then used by a website.


I know there are currently ways to fput/fget info from the world itself, but that also leaves the system open to attack (in light of recent conversations). Plus, web admins then have to fudge all that stuff and do some hella parsing to get the data they want into the format they want. If the World or Zones could be flagged to write their current state to either a SQL table or an XML file, admins could build fancier server pages.

Just a suggestion. I know no one likes copy-catting, but when an idea is good, it's good. I'd love to see something like this for EQEmu. I've been looking into it, but honestly (as always) am boggled by how the World/Zone code moves info around itself.

Nice side project for those new devs coming around looking for work.
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