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Old 09-18-2007, 02:31 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 142


Testing this out last night.

Mobs with names like killer_mob have a somewhat random chance of actually taking place in the database. I had killer_mob000 - killer_mob004 spawned and added into the database, brought the zone down and came back to 1 spawn. Respawned the same mobs again.. and they still took on the killer_mob001 - killer_mob004 profiles like they had never existed. Again I let the zone shut down and came back - no new mobs.

Went into the database and changed the name of the mob to KillerMob... went back into the game - my original killer_mob had changed to KillerMob of course, so I went about #dbspawning/adding the area just as I had before and EVERY MOB STAYED. Woohoo! So I don't know if something got broken in the latest builds but thats the only work around I can use for the moment.

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